Announcement on the 3 years since the voting of the Citizenship Law for the Second Generation

Announcement on the 3 years since the voting of the Citizenship Law for the Second Generation

In July 2015 the much-debated law 4332 was voted in, giving the right to Greek citizenship to the children of migrants born and/or raised in Greece. Three years later, we are tasked with taking a retrospective look and evaluating the implementation of the law. The passing of the law did not signify an end to the fight, instead it signifies a new starting point. The […]

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A win for the insurance rights of the second generation but severe shortcomings in other regulations

A win for the insurance rights of the second generation but severe shortcomings in other regulations

After our interventions via filing a report to the Greek Ombudsman, notices and letters, it appears that the social security rights of third-country nationals and their children will be upheld. An amendment tabled in Parliament on Friday and scheduled to be voted today includes a regulation equalizing the social security rights of the children of migrants with those of the children of Greek citizens. Based […]

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In the face of the new European citizens, Europe falls short on diversity

In the face of the new European citizens, Europe falls short on diversity

Every year the statistical office of the European Union “Eurostat” publishes statistical data on the acquisition of citizenship across its 28 Member States. In 2016, a total of 994.800 people obtained citizenship of a Member State of the European Union (from 841.000 in 2015 and 889.000 in 2014), most of which were citizens of non-EU countries. Compared to last year, this increase of 18% comes […]

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5+1 Myths about Greek citizenship

5+1 Myths about Greek citizenship

Last week, the internet was flooded with duplications of an article published by, leading up to the April 14th front page cover of Parapolitics. These articles, fueled with inaccuracies and leaps of logic, highlighted a supposed mass “Greekization” of migrants. It is common knowledge that in Greece every public debate on citizenship will trigger myths and will cultivate fear or hope, depending on how […]

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What do Greeks believe about migration and national identity in 2018?

What do Greeks believe about migration and national identity in 2018?

For the third consecutive year, diaNEOsis conducted their nationwide poll “What do Greeks believe”. With the use of a questionnaire, the study reflects the position of today’s Greek citizen on a wide range of social issues. The 80 questions used capture the views, experiences and aspirations of the Greek citizen on topics such as Europe, the economy, individual rights, education, religion, sexual harassment as well […]

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ENAR’s Shadow Report: Where is Greece standing on racism and discrimination in employment?

ENAR’s Shadow Report: Where is Greece standing on racism and discrimination in employment?

The 21st of March, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, ENAR (the European Network against Racism) published a report entitled “ENAR Shadow Report – Racism & Discrimination in Employment in Europe 2013-2017”. The report analyzes the difficulties that ethnic minorities face when accessing the employment and labour market – in terms of racism and discrimination- in 23 different […]

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Discrimination in migrants’ social security rights: One more letter to the Ministry of Labor

Discrimination in migrants’ social security rights: One more letter to the Ministry of Labor

On the 22nd of March 2018, Generation 2.0 RED took the initiative, with the support of the Migrants’ Integration Council and the migrants’ communities, to send a letter to the Ministry of Labor, requesting once more to restore the equal treatment for all the insured persons in the national insurance institutions. In particular, we are asking for a regulation which will state that all the […]

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Social security rights of third country nationals are violated once again

Social security rights of third country nationals are violated once again

As we have pointed out before, it is clear that, despite the legislation on equal social security rights, legally residing third-country nationals live, work and pay their duties to the Greek state. However, they do not enjoy equal rights with Greek citizens, since they cannot include their adult children in their booklets. The Ombudsman has also said this since July 2017: Third-country insured citizens are […]

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Another attack on a school in Chania where the Albanian language is taught

Another attack on a school in Chania where the Albanian language is taught

The news of the recent attack carried out by strangers, at the 1st Gymnasium of Eleftherios Venizelos in Chania, where the Albanian language is taught to the children of migrants raises serious concerns. Even though no one has officially taken responsibility, the attack at this particular school is no coincidence. As is well known, this is not the first time this particular school is targeted. […]

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Course of Greek citizenship applications | Statistics until 2017

Course of Greek citizenship applications | Statistics until 2017

Based on the annual report of the newly created Special Secretariat of Citizenship, the number of positive decisions on the acquisition of Greek citizenship for the year 2017 was 33.718. More specifically, we see that 73.51% of the positive decisions concern applications based on birth/school attendance in Greece. The largest percentage of these (92.07%) concerns applications from citizens of Albanian origin. As far as naturalization […]

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Delays on the Residence Permits | Press Release

Delays on the Residence Permits | Press Release

Apart from the delays in the Asylum Service, which can be easily spotted by anyone passing from Katehaki every day, over the last past months major problems can also be found in Athens’ Immigration Unit, which serves the entire Municipality of Athens. Appointments for resident permits’ renewals are given on dates after the expiration of the current ones. However, during this time there is no […]

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Renewal of residence permits for those entitled to international protection: Letter to the Ministry of Labor

Renewal of residence permits for those entitled to international protection: Letter to the Ministry of Labor

Upon inquiry of Generation 2.0 RED, the Asylum Service sent a letter to the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Administrative Reconciliation on the renewal of residence permits for beneficiaries entitled to international protection. There have been incidents in which beneficiaries of international protection with a certificate of pending request, which lasts for 2 months, arrive at Citizens Service Centers for KEA (Social Solidarity […]

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Latest Statistics Regarding Citizenship: 3rd Trimester of 2017

Latest Statistics Regarding Citizenship: 3rd Trimester of 2017

Generation 2.0 RED, based on data received from the Ministry of Interior, presents the figures for Greek citizenship as they were until the end of the second quarter of 2017, both at a Territory and Attica level. Applications From the beginning of the implementation of the law until the end of the 3rd trimester of 2017 (30/9), the applications for Greek citizenship based on Law […]

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One million Italians without citizenship are still waiting for the great reform

One million Italians without citizenship are still waiting for the great reform

With the reform of Ius Soli still blocked in the Senate, the group Ïtalilani Senza Cittadinanza” started a petition to put pressure, asking for what should be obvious: to being recognised as Italian Citizens. More info on the struggle for the Ius Soli reform can be found here. Here follows the original text translated in English, with which they ask you to also sign the […]

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Italy: a struggle for the Ius Soli reform

Italy: a struggle for the Ius Soli reform

Thousands of different stories and faces An infinite love for Italy One request: be recognised as Italians The reform asked by thousands of people living in Italy tries to change the law of 1992 concerning Italian citizenship. In fact, since 1992, to become Italian, a person born in Italy from foreign parents must be legally residing in Italy without interruption from his/her birth and can […]

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Letter to the Ministry of Labor regarding Discrimination in Social Security Rights of second generation

Letter to the Ministry of Labor regarding Discrimination in Social Security Rights of second generation

The matter of the unjustified discrimination suffered by third-country nationals and their children regarding their insurance rights is once again raised by Generation 2.0 RED and Solidarity Now. The two organizations co-sign a joint letter to the Ministry of Labor, asking for the disputed provisions to be corrected and complied with the Greek Code of Migration and Social Inclusion and with the principle of equal […]

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(Ελληνικά) Ο ΣτΠ δικαιώνει τα παιδιά μεταναστών μετά από αναφορά του Generation 2.0 RED για τα ασφαλιστικά τους δικαιώματα

(Ελληνικά) Ο ΣτΠ δικαιώνει τα παιδιά μεταναστών μετά από αναφορά του Generation 2.0 RED για τα ασφαλιστικά τους δικαιώματα

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Common PR about the violent incidents in Moria, Lesvos

Common PR about the violent incidents in Moria, Lesvos

Not so long ago after the article we wrote about what is happening in the camp of Moria, 15 organizations have published a joint press release on the violent incidents that have occurred against immigrants and refugees a few days ago. Generation 2.0 RED welcomes this initiative and co-signs. We express our deepest concern in relation to the information, complaints and testimonies about violence and […]

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(Ελληνικά) Ανακοίνωση RVRN σχετικά με λεκτική επίθεση από βουλευτή σε εκπρόσωπο μεταναστευτικής κοινότητας

(Ελληνικά) Ανακοίνωση RVRN σχετικά με λεκτική επίθεση από βουλευτή σε εκπρόσωπο μεταναστευτικής κοινότητας

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The “Refugee crisis” in Greece (2016-2017)

The “Refugee crisis” in Greece (2016-2017)

Skype: The first step to be recognized as an asylum seeker | Statistics & Observations By Silvia Giulini This report focuses on the Greek Asylum Service and, in particular, on Skype, which is the first step for a Third Country National (TCN) in Greece to be recognised as an asylum seeker. This report is based on the data collected by our organization, Generation 2.0 for […]

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Latest Statistics Regarding Citizenship

Latest Statistics Regarding Citizenship

Based on data provided to us by the Ministry of Interior, it appears that from the beginning of the implementation of Law 4332/2015, 5.8380 applications for Greek citizenship have been filed by persons born and educated in Greece, 42.5% of whose applications have been filed in the Decentralized Services of Attica. Meanwhile, 27.858 decisions have been issued (about 48%). Apart from the procedure for migrant […]

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Manolada: The Story Behind the 2 euros/kg Strawberries

Manolada: The Story Behind the 2 euros/kg Strawberries

“When I was at school, I read that Greece is the country where both democracy and civilization were born, and I wanted to go there. When I arrived in Manolada, I lived the opposite of what I read at school. But then, many persons started to help me and I understood what those books wanted to say”. These are the words of one of the […]

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Residence permits and citizenship, procedures and developments | Informative Event

Residence permits and citizenship, procedures and developments | Informative Event

A year and a half after the implementation of the L.4332 regarding the second generation’s citizenship, what are the problems risen in the procedure? What could be improved? What should the applicants be careful of? What changes are about to occur regarding the residence permits’ procedures? What is going to change now that the permits for exceptional reasons are going to be issued by the […]

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Complaint by the Council of Immigrant Integration about the Amendment Voted by the Greek Parliament

Complaint by the Council of Immigrant Integration about the Amendment Voted by the Greek Parliament

The Council of Immigrant Integration, with Generation 2.0 RED’s initiative, published a complaint about the unacceptable amendment tabled and passed by the Greek Parliament, concerning the compensation of the local population of Moria, with money coming from the (reciprocal) fees for residence permits by third country’s citizens. Read the complaint here.

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Updates on the Citizenship Directorate – Delays for the Naturalization Interviews

Updates on the Citizenship Directorate – Delays for the Naturalization Interviews

Last week, the law 4456/2017 was published in the Official Government’s Gazette. Three and a half months after the reformation that divided the Directorate of Citizenship from the Ministry of Immigration Policy, this law makes provision for covering the administrative gaps that had been created, and the delay which followed in the cases of citizenship. In a few words, this law states that: The Citizenship Directorate […]

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160 International Organizations Unite their Voices in a Joint Statement Given the Upcoming European Council

160 International Organizations Unite their Voices in a Joint Statement Given the Upcoming European Council

Given the upcoming meetin of the European Council on the 9 & 10 of March, Generation 2.0 with more than 160 international organizations unite their voices in a joint statement addressed to the Heads of State and Government. After the last ECJ judgment and Hungary’s decision to detain asylum seekers, it is imperative to showcase that only a Europe that defends everyone’s rights, without exception, […]

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Let the “foreigners” pay then

Let the “foreigners” pay then

This week the draft law is being discussed titled “Additional measures for the implementation of the Regulation (EU, EURATOM) 1141/2014 regarding European political parties and foundations, the acceleration measures for the governmental work  of the Ministry of Interior and other provisions”. We have been waiting for this draft for a long time, since it settles administrative matters that have arisen regarding the Citizenship Directorate. On 21.02.2017, […]

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“Hellenism” is not inherited, but neither is immigration

“Hellenism” is not inherited, but neither is immigration

Last week’s event, with Riga Dardalis’ question to Steve Kerr, did not come as a complete surprise. If not everyone, most of the people with migrant origins in Greece (especially those without Caucasian characteristics) have been through such a situation. So, if we look at it with a sober eye, it was just a needless question, which just happened to take place on camera. To […]

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Let Crete become the rule, not the exception

Let Crete become the rule, not the exception

Keeping in mind all the obstacles that have emerged during the implementation of the latest law on citizenship, the news regarding the number of positive citizenship decisions in Crete are really pleasant.Unavoidably, they are also alarming, given the fact that Crete is the exception and not the general rule. We are referring of course to the 3.500 applications that have been submitted last year alone […]

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Report to The Greek Ombudsman for Discrimination in Social Security Rights

Report to The Greek Ombudsman for Discrimination in Social Security Rights

A month ago, Generation 2.0 RED published an article on the discrimination against third-country citizens who live, work and fulfill their obligations towards the Greek state, but do not have equal social insurance rights with their fellow citizens. Today, together with the organization Solidarity Now, we filed a report to The Greek Ombudsman, as this discrimination against citizens who pay equal insurance contributions with the […]

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Citizenship’s Office & Reformation: Update from the Ministry of Interior

Citizenship’s Office & Reformation: Update from the Ministry of Interior

Generation 2.0, knowing the concerns raised regarding the delay of the approvals for Greek citizenship, combined with the recent reformation and separation of the Citizenship Office from the Ministry of Immigration Policy, sought information from the Ministry of Interior about the future of the Citizenship Office. As a reminder, on the beginning of December we met with the General Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, who […]

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What is going on with the citizenship issue?!

What is going on with the citizenship issue?!

Nowadays that the whole Greece is making 10 posts per day with Giannis Antetokounmpo #NBAvote and words like im/migrant, second generation and refugee are considered very trendy, we have to deal once more with the never ending issue of citizenship. On one hand, we have an article sweeping all over the media and is shared on the speed of light, the personal story of Mihalis, […]

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Equal obligations, unequal rights

Equal obligations, unequal rights

The migration code (l. 4251/2014) includes the Article 21, titled “Common rights for third-country citizens”. In this article, paragraph 2 explicitly states that “… third-country citizens legally residing in Greece are insured in the same social insurance organizations and have the same social security rights as national citizens”. Well said, since under the social insurance equality, equal social contributions of legal workers in Greece should […]

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“No, we don’t sign on the flag!”

“No, we don’t sign on the flag!”

Scene 1 – Take No345. The episode of Citizenship in the series “The cumbersome system of Greece” has been screened thousands of times in the Greek media, maybe even more than an episode of FRIENDS on national TV. Since it was still called Second Generation and functioning as an informal group, Generation 2.0 was trying to promote equality, respect for diversity and the access to […]

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Meeting with the Ministry’s of Interior GS about the citizenship issue

Meeting with the Ministry’s of Interior GS about the citizenship issue

On Wednesday the 7th of December 2016, after the reformation and the definite separation of the Citizenship Office and the Ministry of Migration Policy, Generation 2.0 RED had a meeting with the General Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, Constantino Nikolao Poulakis. Regarding the concerns that have appeared about the administrative changes and the delays, he commented that they still haven’t figured out who is […]

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Mouzalas’ New Statements about Citizenship

Mouzalas’ New Statements about Citizenship

A brief reference to the issue of citizenship was made by the Minister of Migration Policy, Yannis Mouzalas, in an interview he gave to ANA-MPA. Once again it was all about vague statements, which remain unanswered and intensify the feeling of insecurity that prevails in the lives of at least 100,000 children who are still waiting to get the right they deserve. Specifically, when he […]

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There is a New Ministry of Migration Policy

There is a New Ministry of Migration Policy

The stormy history of migration policy in the Greek system seems to be a standard practice of errors and a sloppy approach, without an established common tactic and organization. When the asylum and reception services were established, went under the supervision of the Ministry of Citizen’s Protection instead of the Ministry of Interior, and they began their function after two years after, without adequate mechanisms […]

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Citizenship | Immigration Ministry’s announcement about the “New” Law

Citizenship | Immigration Ministry’s announcement about the “New” Law

On July 4th, 2016, the Ministry of Immigration made an announcement claiming that the procedure granting citizenship to the second generation according to the law 4332/15 is moving fast. According to the official data, the first year of its implementation, 27.720 children and young men and women were able to submit their application, out of which, 6.029 were processed. It is our duty to clarify […]

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Citizenship: Meeting with the General Secretary of the Ministry of Immigrant Affairs

Citizenship: Meeting with the General Secretary of the Ministry of Immigrant Affairs

Generation 2.0 RED is systematically monitoring the new law on citizenship and the reasons for the delay of its implementation. On Monday, March 28th, we met the General Secretary of the Ministry of Immigrant Affairs, Vassilis Papadopoulos, to set the basic problems we have detected and are summarized as follows: Significant delay in issuing the criminal record from the Ministry of Justice (up to six […]

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Repeating the Greek Citizenship Story

Repeating the Greek Citizenship Story

By Dora Vangi & Nikos Odubitan In July 2015, the Law 4332/15 was voted, amending the Citizenship Code, and coming to fill in the legal vacuum caused by the abolition of the law 3838/10, securing the right to Greek citizenship for the second generation, meaning children of migrants who were born and/or raised in Greece. Without a doubt, that was its goal. However, still today, […]

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Amendment on the Greek Citizenship Code

Amendment on the Greek Citizenship Code

Ensuring that every child who was born and / or raised in Greece is considered a Greek Citizen is an ongoing goal for Generation 2.0 RED. Equal Citizens with access to the same rights and obligations, regardless of their parents’ origins. The amendment on Citizenship published Thursday, May 14th 2015, comes to fill the legal vacuum that has existed since February 2013, when the Council […]

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Regarding the Migration and Social Integration Code

Regarding the Migration and Social Integration Code

The Migration and Social Integration Code, which brings together the current existing legislation, will be submitted to the Parliament on the 11th of March. Although the above mentioned Code is an attempt to solve anachronistic issues faced by foreigners in Greece, there is an evident absence of any holistic approach or resolution of these issues. It introduces some innovations (gives access to the second generation […]

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Antonis Samaras’ Statements on Immigration

Antonis Samaras’ Statements on Immigration

Following the fear-mongering statements by the Prime Minister Antonis Samaras in his pre-election speeches in Evros (05/01/2015) and Chalkida (07/01/2015) against “smuggled migrants” and granting Greek citizenship, we have discovered that: He refuses to comprehend the difference between the term “refugee” and “immigrant”, while deliberately using the derogatory term “smuggled migrant” rather than the correct terms “irregular migrant” or “undocumented migrant”. At the same time, […]

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Council of State’s decision regarding the unconstitutionality of law 3838

Council of State’s decision regarding the unconstitutionality of law 3838

On Tuesday the 5th of February 2013 the Council of State’s decision was published, which was first leaked to the press on the November 13th, 2012. The Council of State judged as unconstitutional the provisions of the law 3838. According to the Council of State’s provision, the majority of the Council’s members decided as a perquisite for the Greek citizenship acquisition the awareness of the […]

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Samara’s Theater: Conditional Citizenship | A Critical Stand

Samara’s Theater: Conditional Citizenship | A Critical Stand

By Joan van Geel Last June, Samaras was proudly showing off his generosity. Although Giannis Adetokounbo was already granted citizenship behind the scenes, Samaras saw his chance for a classical political trick. While surrounded by cameras, Samaras pretended to give Giannis his desired citizenship from his hands personally. Meanwhile, he extensively complimented Giannis for his extraordinary basketball performances, a sport so popular throughout Greece. Samaras emphasized how proud Greeks should be […]

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“Thee Greek education” and the hypocrisy of the State

“Thee Greek education” and the hypocrisy of the State

By Nikos Deji Odubitan & Andromacha Papaioannou * The artcicle was published at Protagon In the end, to become Greek, one needs more than just to be born or raised in Greece. What we all realized a month ago was that to become Greek, one needs to get (at least) in the NBA draft. Because, apparently, everything else is just not enough. Having finished school […]

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Petition for the Right to Citizenship

Petition for the Right to Citizenship

About 200.000 young people were born and raised in Greece to migrant parents. This kids have no homeland since they remain unrecognized by the Greek state, which refuses to grant them citizenship. Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality & Diversity is the answer to all those who believe that young people with migrant origins are not Greek or/and are very different from Greek kids. The organization […]

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The Invisible Children | Second Generation’s Problems in Greece

The Invisible Children | Second Generation’s Problems in Greece

By Andromacha Papaioannou When I was asking “What is the biggest problem that second generation youngsters face in Greece?” most people would ask back “Who are these people? What does the term second generation mean?”. When I started explaining that this term concerns the children of immigrants who have been born or arrived in Greece at an early age, most of them were looking at […]

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The “Unconstitutional Innovations” of the law 3838/2010

The “Unconstitutional Innovations” of the law 3838/2010

By Olga Eleftheriou For a few months now, through “leaks”, we heard that the law 3838/2010 was considered unconstitutional on the 2 innovations it proposed. The first one was the right to vote and be voted (for positions of municipal counselors) in the local elections for specific categories of third-country citizens, who live legally in the country, and their homogeneous. The second innovation was the […]

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