Ace Your Next Job Interview | Workshop

Ace Your Next Job Interview | Workshop

I do have the CV illustrating best my work experience and skills, I know where and how I should apply for the job positions I am interested in, but how I do I get prepared when the phone finally rings? Join our free ACE YOUR NEXT JOB INTERVIEW workshop and find out what to avoid and what to highlight the next time you present yourself […]

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We BREAK FREE from climate change, inequality and violence

We BREAK FREE from climate change, inequality and violence

On Sunday, March 26, put on some comfortable and colorful clothes, get some whistles and come to walk with us from Thissio to Zappeion, on a colorful and peaceful walk against what binds us: injustice, inequality, discrimination and climate change! Join your voice with more than 50 organizations, movements, communities and initiatives, reacting collectively and peacefully against any form of environmental degradation and social or […]

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21st of March, International Day Against Racial Discrimination

21st of March, International Day Against Racial Discrimination

On this day, back in 1960, police opened fired and killed 69 protestors in Sharpeville, South Africa. Those people were at a peaceful demonstration against the apartheid pass laws. Six years later, the UN proclaimed this day calling on the international community to redouble its efforts to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination. Today in 2017, racial profiling and incitement to hatred, including in the […]

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20th of March, one year exactly after the Deal of the EU with Turkey

20th of March, one year exactly after the Deal of the EU with Turkey

By Silvia Giulini Photo by Abdulazez Dukhan, Through Refugees Eyes On the 20th of March 2016, exactly one year ago, the EU-Turkey Deal started to be applied. I was 24 and a few weeks before the signing of the Deal, I started my post graduated internship at Generation 2.0. It was my first time living abroad and I was finally working in a place where […]

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Residence permits and citizenship, procedures and developments | Informative Event

Residence permits and citizenship, procedures and developments | Informative Event

A year and a half after the implementation of the L.4332 regarding the second generation’s citizenship, what are the problems risen in the procedure? What could be improved? What should the applicants be careful of? What changes are about to occur regarding the residence permits’ procedures? What is going to change now that the permits for exceptional reasons are going to be issued by the […]

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Choosing to Dream | “Hard Work Never Fails!”

Choosing to Dream | “Hard Work Never Fails!”

We launch a series of narratives concerning individuals who made a fresh start in Greece. They share their story with us, along with the difficulties they had to face, but also the new opportunities they took advantage of. Our first interviewee is Mawhib, 34, from Eritrea. He has now been living for 9 months in Greece and has been granted the refugee status. “I work […]

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Complaint by the Council of Immigrant Integration about the Amendment Voted by the Greek Parliament

Complaint by the Council of Immigrant Integration about the Amendment Voted by the Greek Parliament

The Council of Immigrant Integration, with Generation 2.0 RED’s initiative, published a complaint about the unacceptable amendment tabled and passed by the Greek Parliament, concerning the compensation of the local population of Moria, with money coming from the (reciprocal) fees for residence permits by third country’s citizens. Read the complaint here.

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Updates on the Citizenship Directorate – Delays for the Naturalization Interviews

Updates on the Citizenship Directorate – Delays for the Naturalization Interviews

Last week, the law 4456/2017 was published in the Official Government’s Gazette. Three and a half months after the reformation that divided the Directorate of Citizenship from the Ministry of Immigration Policy, this law makes provision for covering the administrative gaps that had been created, and the delay which followed in the cases of citizenship. In a few words, this law states that: The Citizenship Directorate […]

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160 International Organizations Unite their Voices in a Joint Statement Given the Upcoming European Council

160 International Organizations Unite their Voices in a Joint Statement Given the Upcoming European Council

Given the upcoming meetin of the European Council on the 9 & 10 of March, Generation 2.0 with more than 160 international organizations unite their voices in a joint statement addressed to the Heads of State and Government. After the last ECJ judgment and Hungary’s decision to detain asylum seekers, it is imperative to showcase that only a Europe that defends everyone’s rights, without exception, […]

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8th of March, International Women’s Day

8th of March, International Women’s Day

Artwork by Niki de Saint Phalle, Californian Diary “Dear Diary, I saw a fat woman on the beach today and she reminded me of a great pagan goddess. Black is different. I have made many black figures in my work. Black Venus, black Madonna, black men, black nanas. It has always been an important color for me. Today, walking on the beach I watched a […]

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{THE AND} project is coming to Athens!

{THE AND} project is coming to Athens!

The Skin Deep’s first project {THE AND} is an interactive documentary experience that explores the dynamics of modern relationships by bringing the viewer into the emotional space of real life couples. Merging interactive web design, innovative storytelling, and tryptic filmmaking, this interactive documentary presents a unique take on various types of human relationships. Couples ask each other candid questions and shared insight on the dynamics […]

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Let the “foreigners” pay then

Let the “foreigners” pay then

This week the draft law is being discussed titled “Additional measures for the implementation of the Regulation (EU, EURATOM) 1141/2014 regarding European political parties and foundations, the acceleration measures for the governmental work  of the Ministry of Interior and other provisions”. We have been waiting for this draft for a long time, since it settles administrative matters that have arisen regarding the Citizenship Directorate. On 21.02.2017, […]

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New Statistics Regarding Citizenship

New Statistics Regarding Citizenship

Based on the information given to us by the Ministry of interior regarding the last quarter of 2016, combined with the previous data we provided to you, we present you the quantitative data for pending and approved applications for citizenship under the laws 3838/2010 and 4332/2015, both on the country and the regional level of Attica. By the end of 2016 things were as follows: […]

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“Hellenism” is not inherited, but neither is immigration

“Hellenism” is not inherited, but neither is immigration

Last week’s event, with Riga Dardalis’ question to Steve Kerr, did not come as a complete surprise. If not everyone, most of the people with migrant origins in Greece (especially those without Caucasian characteristics) have been through such a situation. So, if we look at it with a sober eye, it was just a needless question, which just happened to take place on camera. To […]

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We say farewell to Tzanetos Antipas…

We say farewell to Tzanetos Antipas…

It is with great sadness that we say farewell to Tzanetos Antipas, President of the Non-Profit Organization “Praksis”, who left us very soon. We wish a safe journey to one of the first people who stood by the struggle of Generation 2.0. Together we shared common ideas, common experiences and common hopes. Today we farewell not only an extremely active member of the civil society […]

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Let Crete become the rule, not the exception

Let Crete become the rule, not the exception

Keeping in mind all the obstacles that have emerged during the implementation of the latest law on citizenship, the news regarding the number of positive citizenship decisions in Crete are really pleasant.Unavoidably, they are also alarming, given the fact that Crete is the exception and not the general rule. We are referring of course to the 3.500 applications that have been submitted last year alone […]

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Announcement: Closed Services due to Technical Upgrades

Announcement: Closed Services due to Technical Upgrades

The filling of applications or other services (for residence permits and citizenship) will not be possible from 15 to 22 of February, due to technical upgrades. Specifically, from Wednesday 15/2/2017 to Wednesday 22/2/2017, the following administrations will not operate for the public: The Civil Status Directorate (citizenship / naturalization applications) The Immigration Directorates (residence permits) The Department of Secretarial Support for the Ministry of Migration Policy […]

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Report to The Greek Ombudsman for Discrimination in Social Security Rights

Report to The Greek Ombudsman for Discrimination in Social Security Rights

A month ago, Generation 2.0 RED published an article on the discrimination against third-country citizens who live, work and fulfill their obligations towards the Greek state, but do not have equal social insurance rights with their fellow citizens. Today, together with the organization Solidarity Now, we filed a report to The Greek Ombudsman, as this discrimination against citizens who pay equal insurance contributions with the […]

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Citizenship due to Greek School Attendance: What Changes for Private Schools?

Citizenship due to Greek School Attendance: What Changes for Private Schools?

The Ministry of Education submitted a draft law regulating various issues, which are going to be discussed in the Parliament later this week. It is with great pleasure we find among others, the Article 7, in particular the paragraph 5 stating: In Paragraph 1, Article 1B of the Greek Citizenship Code (l. 3284/2004 -A217), as this article was inserted by the section 1A of the […]

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Developments on Residence Permits

Developments on Residence Permits

On January the 13th, Generation 2.0 for Rights Equality and Diversity visited the Directorate of Immigration in Athens, and was updated on the developments regarding the residence permits. New residence permits with biometric data From the 23rd of February, new residence permits are going to be issued. The new residence permits require biometric data, meaning fingerprints and a passport photo (a colored, digital photograph 4×6 […]

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How many more lives are going to slip through our hands before we talk about Moria?

How many more lives are going to slip through our hands before we talk about Moria?

It’s not long since we last spoke about the safety gaps in the camps, specially the one in Moria. The media talk about “unfortunate incidents” and “individual events”, but the truth is nowhere near these statements. When the tents in the camp of Moria were completely covered in snow and destroyed, topical media talked about policemen that did not let anyone inside nor outside of […]

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New Generation Got Game @ Peloponnisos Doc Festival!

New Generation Got Game @ Peloponnisos Doc Festival!

The 3rd Peloponnese International Documentary Festival has opened its doors on 20th of January 2017 in Kalamata, while a part of it is hosted in Amaliada, Gytheio, Argos and Sparta. This year’s tribute is “Human Rights & Refugees”, and all the screenings, parallel events and workshops are free for the public. We are proud to announce that the New Generation Got Game Documentary will be screened tomorrow, Thursday 26 […]

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Citizenship’s Office & Reformation: Update from the Ministry of Interior

Citizenship’s Office & Reformation: Update from the Ministry of Interior

Generation 2.0, knowing the concerns raised regarding the delay of the approvals for Greek citizenship, combined with the recent reformation and separation of the Citizenship Office from the Ministry of Immigration Policy, sought information from the Ministry of Interior about the future of the Citizenship Office. As a reminder, on the beginning of December we met with the General Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, who […]

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What is going on with the citizenship issue?!

What is going on with the citizenship issue?!

Nowadays that the whole Greece is making 10 posts per day with Giannis Antetokounmpo #NBAvote and words like im/migrant, second generation and refugee are considered very trendy, we have to deal once more with the never ending issue of citizenship. On one hand, we have an article sweeping all over the media and is shared on the speed of light, the personal story of Mihalis, […]

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The Educational Program “The Other in me” has officially begun!

The Educational Program “The Other in me” has officially begun!

It is with great pleasure that we announce the program “The Other in Me“, a part of the development and promotion of alternative education from the Generation 2.0 RED organization! This program involves a series of educational games and experiential activities in High Schools, where skilled motivators and specialized educators of the organization will conduct the workshops. In every school that expresses interest to participate, […]

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The “New Generation Got Game” Documentary was in Venice!

The “New Generation Got Game” Documentary was in Venice!

Generation 2.0 RED attended the Express Your Rights! 8th Venice Human Rights Festival! From 6-8 January 2017, the students of the European Master’s Program for Human Rights and Democratization are turning their heads towards different forms of art and culture to show its possibilities in expressing and fighting for Human Rights worldwide. Making use of their diverse cultural and artistic backgrounds, the students combine them […]

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Equal obligations, unequal rights

Equal obligations, unequal rights

The migration code (l. 4251/2014) includes the Article 21, titled “Common rights for third-country citizens”. In this article, paragraph 2 explicitly states that “… third-country citizens legally residing in Greece are insured in the same social insurance organizations and have the same social security rights as national citizens”. Well said, since under the social insurance equality, equal social contributions of legal workers in Greece should […]

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“No, we don’t sign on the flag!”

“No, we don’t sign on the flag!”

Scene 1 – Take No345. The episode of Citizenship in the series “The cumbersome system of Greece” has been screened thousands of times in the Greek media, maybe even more than an episode of FRIENDS on national TV. Since it was still called Second Generation and functioning as an informal group, Generation 2.0 was trying to promote equality, respect for diversity and the access to […]

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2017 is only a few hours away

2017 is only a few hours away

* Photo by Abdulazez Dukhan, Through Refugee Eyes New year’s eve is just around the corner, people are counting backwards the hours left, running to buy last minute gifts, the atmosphere is festive, children are happy cause of the snow, everyone is tightening their scarves, some hate Christmas and stay at home, others enjoy the holiday spirit, these magical days, the hugs, the kisses, the […]

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Hanukkah, Kwanaa, Omisoka, Id al-Adha, Hajj, Shabe-Yalda You might not know what these words mean, not even how to pronounce them, but this is not the issue. The thing is that you hear them here, in our neighborhood, Gerani, and they hide inside them a feast. So, for this year’s holidays, we invite you to learn how other countries and races of the world do […]

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Meeting with the Ministry’s of Interior GS about the citizenship issue

Meeting with the Ministry’s of Interior GS about the citizenship issue

On Wednesday the 7th of December 2016, after the reformation and the definite separation of the Citizenship Office and the Ministry of Migration Policy, Generation 2.0 RED had a meeting with the General Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, Constantino Nikolao Poulakis. Regarding the concerns that have appeared about the administrative changes and the delays, he commented that they still haven’t figured out who is […]

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Atonement for Walid Taleb, four years after the tortures he suffered

Atonement for Walid Taleb, four years after the tortures he suffered

An end was put to the horrendous case that began in the summer of 2012, when Walid Taleb was found unconscious tied to a tree in Salamina, with an iron chain around his neck. Walid was working in a bakery on the island when he became a victim of racist violence and sexual abuse by four people. After five postponements of the court, and with […]

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Mouzalas’ New Statements about Citizenship

Mouzalas’ New Statements about Citizenship

A brief reference to the issue of citizenship was made by the Minister of Migration Policy, Yannis Mouzalas, in an interview he gave to ANA-MPA. Once again it was all about vague statements, which remain unanswered and intensify the feeling of insecurity that prevails in the lives of at least 100,000 children who are still waiting to get the right they deserve. Specifically, when he […]

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“How many refugees have to die before safety is guaranteed in Greece’s camps?”

“How many refugees have to die before safety is guaranteed in Greece’s camps?”

23 organizations, on the 28th of November 2016 signed a joint statement about the living conditions in the camps, for which the government bears responsibility and ought to adhere to specific safety standards. The tragedy in Moria was the result of the inhuman living conditions in the camps. About the situation, not only the government should be held accountable, but also all those who do […]

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“A child who receives Greek education and excels, obviously becomes Greek and has the right to raise the Greek flag” we say goodbye to Kostis Stefanopoulos

“A child who receives Greek education and excels, obviously becomes Greek and has the right to raise the Greek flag” we say goodbye to Kostis Stefanopoulos

A great man and politician passed away at the age of 90, on Sunday, November 20th. Everyone talks about an exceptional and selfless personality who, even though coming from the conservative right party, he always stayed objective and never avoided to take responsibility of his own words. He fought in every chance he got the objective truth and reality, and that is why politicians praise […]

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Molotov attacks from neo-Nazis at the refugee camp in Suda, Chios

Molotov attacks from neo-Nazis at the refugee camp in Suda, Chios

Once more, refugees were targeted through propaganda and disinformation, with the media full of articles about attacks with fireworks by “illegal immigrants” (?!) from the camp of Souda in Chios against the local residents. Fearful comments and broadcasts regarding the episodes yesterday and the day before – November 17th and 16th 2016 – in the refugees camp in Chios have overwhelmed the internet, talking about […]

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The hypocrisy of the Greek political scene once again on the podium of publicity

The hypocrisy of the Greek political scene once again on the podium of publicity

Yesterday, November 16th 2016, on his last transatlantic voyage as the President of the United States, Barak Obama was at the Cultural Center Stavros Niarchos Foundation giving a speech, which was applauded by all those who were present. In his speech he talked about all those things this small but great people gave over the centuries throughout mankind. He talked about the birth of Democracy, […]

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There is a New Ministry of Migration Policy

There is a New Ministry of Migration Policy

The stormy history of migration policy in the Greek system seems to be a standard practice of errors and a sloppy approach, without an established common tactic and organization. When the asylum and reception services were established, went under the supervision of the Ministry of Citizen’s Protection instead of the Ministry of Interior, and they began their function after two years after, without adequate mechanisms […]

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Because I wasn’t a Kid, I was a Foreigner

Because I wasn’t a Kid, I was a Foreigner

By Ganna Milenko A knock on the door of the classroom. The teachers stops the lesson. All eyes on the door that opens. The Vice Principal stands by the door with a A4 paper on hand. He apologizes to the teacher and takes a formal look. “The foreigners, please, stand and follow me”, he says with a loud and steady voice, as if we are […]

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Donald Trump | The New President of the United States

Donald Trump | The New President of the United States

The United States of America have just selected Donald Trump as their new president. Since his submission of nomination, we had expressed our sincere concern about human rights. Throughout the presidential race, our fears continued to grow day by day. Hate speech was used and will continue to be used more and more. We are more than sure that this hate will be expressed as […]

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Details on Greek citizenship’s applications until 30.9.2016

Details on Greek citizenship’s applications until 30.9.2016

According to data given by the Office of the Secretary General of Migration Policy, quantitative data are presented about the approvals of the acquisition of Greek citizenship: a) under the law 3838/2010 (Ragousi Law) and b) under the law 4332/2015 (due to birth or school attendance) for Greece and Attica respectively. Under the law 3838/2010 (Ragousi Law) Concerning the requests during the former legal status, […]

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“I love you Athena!”

“I love you Athena!”

The message of a young refugee leaving Athens “Well, here we are it is my last hours in Greece, Holly Greece, I really don’t know how to thank you and your people, for everything you gave to me: Love, adventures, good company, and for helping me to Rebuild my personality. Athens I am so sorry cuz I am leaving, you are my 2nd home I’ll […]

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“New Generation Got Game” at the 3rd International Documentary Festival of Ierapetra!

“New Generation Got Game” at the 3rd International Documentary Festival of Ierapetra!

Our documentary will participate today in the 3rd International Documentary Festival of Ierapetra, in Creta! Tomorrow, the 8th of Αugust at 17:50 pm in the room Antonios Voreadis. Free entrance. You can find more information regarding the program and the festival here. The 3rd International Documentary Festival of Ierapetra is going to host famous international and Greek visual artists. It is going to take place […]

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Generation, Black n’ White and Bananes made an impression in Syros island!

Generation, Black n’ White and Bananes made an impression in Syros island!

The winning teams of our different basketball tournament, New Generation Got Game Vol.III, travelled in Syros and did not only participate in the AegeanBall Festival, but also made everyone lose their minds, offered a professional spectacle and got awarded all three of them! Specifically, our women team, Bananes, consisted of Erifili Satratzemi, Eva Kalliora, Despina Nomiku and Dimitra Kesse, took part in the 6th mixed […]

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Citizenship | Immigration Ministry’s announcement about the “New” Law

Citizenship | Immigration Ministry’s announcement about the “New” Law

On July 4th, 2016, the Ministry of Immigration made an announcement claiming that the procedure granting citizenship to the second generation according to the law 4332/15 is moving fast. According to the official data, the first year of its implementation, 27.720 children and young men and women were able to submit their application, out of which, 6.029 were processed. It is our duty to clarify […]

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Nikos Pappas is participating in the teaser of “New Generation Got Game” vol.III!

Nikos Pappas is participating in the teaser of “New Generation Got Game” vol.III!

The 3rd Intercultural Basketball Tournament is a fact and Nikos Pappas came to our office to  tease this year’s participants… But who will be the ultimate winner?! Stay tuned because there is going to be more!

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Western Union | Paylink supports Generation 2.0 RED!

Western Union | Paylink supports Generation 2.0 RED!

We have the pleasure to announce that Western Union – Paylink is one of the main supporters of the G2RED projects and events!  From now on you will have the chance to be informed for the best offers and deals of Western Union – Paylink in our Website! THE BEST FX RATE from Western Union at Menandrou 44, Athens We would like to inform you that  Western […]

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Documentary Screening @Technopolis | June 22, 2016

Documentary Screening @Technopolis | June 22, 2016

It is our pleasure to invite you at Generation 2.0’s documentary screening titled “New Generation Got Game” on Wednesday 22nd of June, 21.00, at Technopolis of Municipality Of Athens! The documentary film is about the second intercultural basketball tournament, which was coordinated by Generation 2.0 on June 2015.  Participants, who reflect the so-called New Generation of Greek Citizens, are presented and talk about the event […]

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Update on the Decentralized Services | June 2016

Update on the Decentralized Services | June 2016

The services shall function as usual throughout August except for the services of Attica Particularly: A’ Athens: The service is going to be closed for the public until the 17th of August Central and Western Attica: The service is going to be closed for the public until the 26th of August Northeastern Attica: Τhe service will remain closed for the public until the 29th of August […]

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The “New Generation Got Game vol.lll” is a fact!

The “New Generation Got Game vol.lll” is a fact!

Registration is now open! Hurry up! The third intercultural basketball tournament of Generation 2.0 this year will be held on the 25th and 26th of June at Ampelokipoi! This year the winning teams of the 3on3 streetball will have the opportunity to travel to the island of Syros and participate in AegeanBall Festival, a 3on3 event organized by Giorgos Printezis, with famous basketball players among […]

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The Project Fryctoria is completed and leads the way for the Citizens of tomorrow!

The Project Fryctoria is completed and leads the way for the Citizens of tomorrow!

The residential Non-Governmental Organization “Antirropon”, with the association of UNESCO for the Culture of Peace, in cooperation with the Council of Europe and the participation of the Child’s advocate, in special meetings with teenagers, has accomplished the project “Fryktoria: Opening the road to tomorrow’s citizens” since April 2015. Basic goal of this project was that, the teens who come from different cultural groups will learn […]

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Citizenship: Meeting with the General Secretary of the Ministry of Immigrant Affairs

Citizenship: Meeting with the General Secretary of the Ministry of Immigrant Affairs

Generation 2.0 RED is systematically monitoring the new law on citizenship and the reasons for the delay of its implementation. On Monday, March 28th, we met the General Secretary of the Ministry of Immigrant Affairs, Vassilis Papadopoulos, to set the basic problems we have detected and are summarized as follows: Significant delay in issuing the criminal record from the Ministry of Justice (up to six […]

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International day against Racism | March 21, 2016

International day against Racism | March 21, 2016

International Day agains Rascism & Week of Solidarity with those who are fighting for equality! New campaign, new partners, honoring the International Day against Racism and the week of Solidarity with the People fighting Racism and Racial Discrimination! Every day, people of all ages endure hatred, injustice and humiliation because of their skin color, descent, national or ethnic origin and other supposedly racial characteristics. Such discriminations has underpinned […]

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Idomeni | March 2016  

Idomeni | March 2016  

“My kids are asking me ‘Where are we going daddy?’ and I respond ‘We are going to the garden’. They think we are going to a garden so they can play. ‘Where is this garden?’ and I ask them to wait until we get there. They are just kids, in the end. They don’t know where we are going. We tell them fairytales to give them hope. But […]

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Malala’s story presentation in Athens | March 8, 2016

Malala’s story presentation in Athens | March 8, 2016

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, National Geographic and CineDoc with the cooperation of Megaron Plus, on Tuesday 8th of March 2016 Davis Guggenheim’s documentary “He named me Malala”. Through Guggenheim’s lens, the audience has the opportunity to get to know Malala in her everyday life at home with her brothers and parents, and also understand her relationship with her father Zia, who […]

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Countdown to the 18th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival!

Countdown to the 18th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival!

Countdown to the official start of the 18th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival – Images of the 21st Century, which will be held from Friday 11 of March to Sunday March 20. Through an extensive program of documentary films and tributes from all around the world, the festival comes to inform, sensitize and mobilize the public around critical themes that require his critical view and active participation. […]

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The “New Generation Got Game” Documentary travels to Thessaloniki!

The “New Generation Got Game” Documentary travels to Thessaloniki!

We are pleased to announce that the documentary “New Generation Got Game“, which was shot in the context of our project “Multiculturalism in Action”, has been accepted in the 18th Documentary Festival of Thessaloniki! Main goal of this project was to promote equality and integration of young people with migrant backgrounds (second generation) in the Greek society, and on the same time to fight against […]

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Repeating the Greek Citizenship Story

Repeating the Greek Citizenship Story

By Dora Vangi & Nikos Odubitan In July 2015, the Law 4332/15 was voted, amending the Citizenship Code, and coming to fill in the legal vacuum caused by the abolition of the law 3838/10, securing the right to Greek citizenship for the second generation, meaning children of migrants who were born and/or raised in Greece. Without a doubt, that was its goal. However, still today, […]

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