Thursday Job Adverts – Humanitarian Field – 13/2/2025


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Job Title: Nurse

Location: Leros

Duration: Indefinite

Closing Date: 18/02/2025

MSF Mission

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international independent medical-humanitarian organization, which offers assistance to populations in distress, to victims of natural or human-made disasters and to victims of armed conflict, without discrimination and irrespective of ethnicity, religion, creed or political affiliation. MSF is a civil society initiative that brings together individuals committed to the assistance of other human beings in crisis. As such, MSF is by choice an association. Each individual working with MSF does it out of conviction and is ready to uphold the values and principles of the organization.

MSF in Greece provides humanitarian and medical assistance to the refugee and migrant populations fleeing conflict and other precarious situations in their home countries.

We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organization.

Position Objectives

Providing nursing care, treatment and follow-up of patients, according to doctors’ prescriptions, protocols applied in service and universal hygiene standards/precautions, in order to ensure the quality and continuity of care for the targeted population

Main Accountabilities

  • Knowing, promoting, implementing, and following up the universal hygiene standards/ precautions, bio-hazard prevention and infection control, security rules and other protocols and procedures in the medical premises and ensuring high standards of hygiene of his/her working environment. Respecting medical secrets and confidentiality at all times.
  • Organizing and carrying out care and treatments according to medical prescriptions, and assisting during consultations, daily rounds and other medical procedures. Participating in health education of the patient (and family) when necessary.
  • Identifying Sexually Gender Based Violence victims and referring them to the medical team so they can receive the necessary treatment. Knowing and is aware of the importance and appropriate use of the Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) Kit
  • Ensuring patients are properly received and installed and that those with lack of autonomy are assisted, especially regarding their feeding, personal hygiene, movements and comfort. For ER and OPD nurse, ensuring triage of patients in waiting areas, wards or during emergencies, detecting the priority acute/emergency cases, carrying out first aid care and referring them to the doctor when necessary
  • Sending material to be sterilized and recuperates it from sterilization
  • Carrying out admission, surveillance and follow-up of patients (i.e. assessment of the evolution of their state of health and the identification of any emergency situation or deterioration
  • Carrying and supervising administrative procedures and documents (fill in patient’s files, forms, consumptions, statistics, registers, health files, etc.), ensuring an appropriate written/oral handover, and reporting any problematic situations and cases that may arise. Participating in data collection and keeping doctors/supervisors informed .
  • Participating in the department-related pharmacy and medical equipment control and maintenance (quality and its functioning, storage conditions, follow-up of expired drugs inventories, stock takes of medicines and material at every team changeover ensuring no material is taken out of nursing area/wards without prior authorisation, etc.)
  • Perform cleaning and minor maintenance for biomedical equipment used. Following the user manual and  protocols and alert supervisor in case of malfunctioning.
  • Supervising and training nurse-aids, nutritional assistants, cleaners and other related staff under his/her supervision, ensuring teamwork and adherence to all appropriate protocols and procedures
  • Simple wounds assessment and management
  • Educating the patient in health practices according to MSF guidelines. In collaboration with HP, promote the dissemination and formulation of health messages and good practices
  • Working collaboratively with the MD to determine if additional treatments or changes in care plan are required.
  • In collaboration with MD, facilitate and organize the referral of patients to second level of care when needed
  • Helping, and supporting in triage when it is needed.
  • With the support of the Pharma Mission and MAM, assure proper pharmacy management including consumption monitoring and order preparation.
  • Attend training and meetings when requested
  • Flexibility and adaptability in travel and working conditions

Essential Criteria

  • Essential recognized nurse degree/diploma
  • Desirable bachelor’s in science of Nursing
  • Desirable 2 years of previous experience and previous experience in other NGO’s
  • Demonstrable experience in supervising and training others in a team setting
  • Local language essential. English Level B2
  • Female candidates will be prioritized
  • Cross Cultural awareness and flexibility
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Organizational and communication skills
  • Stress Management
  • Results and Quality Orientation
  • Service Orientation
  • Teamwork and Cooperation

Post Conditions

  • Monthly Gross salary of 1420 EUR (full time)
  • Private health insurance
  • Full time position

To Apply

Please send your CV and a motivation letter in English quoting reference code “Nurse Leros” in the subject line of the e-mail at: [email protected]

All applications will be treated in strictest confidentiality.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

The protection of your personal data is important to MSF. By submitting your application, you consent to MSF using your data only for the recruitment process to have all the information and documents necessary to proceed with the recruitment, validation of your application and selection of the most suitable candidate. Your data will be treated confidentially. Only people part of the recruitment process have access to your data. MSF does not sell your data under any circumstances. If you have any questions or requests, you can contact us at [email protected]


Βρεφονηπιοκόμος – Ηράκλειο Κρήτης – ΠΑΙΔΙΚΑ ΧΩΡΙΑ SOS ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ

Απαραίτητα προσόντα

  • Πτυχίο των τμημάτων Βρεφονηπιοκομίας των ΑΤΕΙ ή πτυχίο ΙΕΚ ή δίπλωμα ή απολυτήριο τίτλο ειδικότητας Βοηθών Βρεφονηπιοκόμων-Παιδοκόμων ή Βοηθών Βρεφοκόμων ή Βοηθών Βρεφονηπιοκόμων
  • Τουλάχιστον 2ετής προϋπηρεσία με βρέφη και παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας
  • Ευελιξία εργασίας σε κυλιόμενο ωράριο
  • Συνεργατικότητα, επαγγελματισμός, και συνέπεια

Διαδικασία υποβολής αίτησης

Απαιτείται αρχικά μόνο ηλεκτρονική αποστολή βιογραφικών σημειωμάτων των ενδιαφερόμενων στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση έως την Κυριακή 02/03/2025, με την υποχρεωτική αναγραφή του Κωδικού θέσης (ΒΡΕΦΚ1) στο θέμα.

*Σημείωση: Παρακαλούμε η ονομασία του συνημμένου αρχείου στο οποίο εσωκλείεται το βιογραφικό σας να είναι στην εξής μορφή: ΟΝΟΜΑ_ΕΠΩΝΥΜΟ_ΕΙΔΙΚΟΤΗΤΑ.


αιδοψυχίατρος – Ιωάννινα – ΠΑΙΔΙΚΑ ΧΩΡΙΑ SOS


Απαραίτητα προσόντα

  • Πτυχίο ΑΕΙ Ιατρικής Σχολής και τίτλος ιατρικής ειδικότητας Παιδοψυχιατρικής
  • Τουλάχιστον 2ετής προϋπηρεσία σε δομές ψυχικής υγείας, δομές φροντίδας οικογένειας και παιδιού
  • Εμπειρία και δεξιότητες στη συμβουλευτική ατόμου και οικογένειας
  • Εμπειρία στη συνεργασία διεπιστημονικής ομάδας

Διαδικασία υποβολής αίτησης

Απαιτείται αρχικά μόνο ηλεκτρονική αποστολή βιογραφικών σημειωμάτων των ενδιαφερόμενων στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση έως την Κυριακή 02/03/2025, με την υποχρεωτική αναγραφή του Κωδικού θέσης (ΠΨΙ1) στο θέμα.

*Σημείωση: Παρακαλούμε η ονομασία του συνημμένου αρχείου στο οποίο εσωκλείεται το βιογραφικό σας να είναι στην εξής μορφή: ΟΝΟΜΑ_ΕΠΩΝΥΜΟ_ΕΙΔΙΚΟΤΗΤΑ.


Ψυχολόγος – Mήλος (2 τριήμερα/μήνα) – ΕΠΑΨΥ

Απαραίτητα προσόντα:

  • Πτυχίο Ψυχολογίας
  • Αναγγελία άσκησης επαγγέλματος Ψυχολόγου
  • Τριετής κλινική εμπειρία
  • Δίπλωμα οδήγησης Ι.Χ.
  • Εξοικείωση με βραχείες ψυχοθεραπευτικές παρεμβάσεις

Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι/ες καλούνται να αποστείλουν στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση: [email protected] έως και 21/02/2025 αναλυτικό βιογραφικό σημείωμα με τη μορφή Europass, με σαφή αναφορά στα στοιχεία άδειας άσκησης επαγγέλματος και τους τίτλους σπουδών (πτυχίο/α), με την ένδειξη: Ψυχολόγος-Μήλος. Αιτήσεις που δεν πληρούν τα κριτήρια δε θα γίνονται δεκτές.


Operations Officer – Lesvos – EUROPE CARES

What we are looking for:

  • At least 23 years old;
  • Able to commit for (at least) 6 months;
  • Eligible to reside and work in the EU (as a small NGO we are not able to offer assistance for visa applications);
  • (Under – )graduate degree in a relevant field of study;
  • 1 year minimum experience from humanitarian organizations, and project or volunteer management in particular;
  • Previous experience in developing and using M&E tools and reporting mechanisms as well as in supply chain is highly appreciated;
  • Familiarity with Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel;
  • Excellent communication & interpersonal skills;
  • Good organizational & time management skills;
  • Ability to work in high-paced environment and under pressure;
  • Ability to work independently and take initiative;
  • Able to provide a Criminal Record Check;
  • Fluent in English. Greek and other context relevant languages (i.e. Farsi/Arabic/Amharic/Somali) are an advantage;
  • High degree of integrity and strict compliance to our Code of Conduct and Safeguarding Policy;
  • Commitment to the values and mission of Europe Cares;
  • An experienced driver with an international drivers license. This is a necessary requirement for the position.

How to apply

Please send your CV and motivation letter to [email protected] by February, the 16th. Please include when you would be available to start. References and criminal record checks will form part of the hiring process.

We consider all applicants on the basis of merit without regard to race, sex, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. We strongly encourage qualified people with a refugee background to apply.

As we review applications on a rolling basis, please submit the application as soon as possible. We retain the right to close the vacancy prior to the closing date if the right applicant is found.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Νοσηλευτής/τρια – Αθήνα – ΟΙ ΓΙΑΤΡΟΙ ΤΟΥ ΚΟΣΜΟΥ


  • Πτυχίο Νοσηλευτικήςς ΑΕΙ / ΤΕΙ / Δευτεροβάθμιας της ημεδαπής ή ισότιμος τίτλος σχολών της αλλοδαπής.
  • Άδεια άσκησης επαγγέλματος νοσηλευτή.
  • Εγγεγραμμένος/η στο Μητρώο ΟΑΕΔ σε περίπτωση ανέργου
  • Ειδική εμπειρία σε συγχρηματοδοτούμενα έργα ή δράσεις συναφή με ευαάλωτες ομάδες και κοινωνική ένταξη.

Για την υποβολή του Φακέλου Αίτησης και Δικαιολογητικών, οι ενδιαφερόμενοι καλούνται να τον αποστείλουν ή να τον φέρουν, κατά τις εργάσιμες ώρες από 10:00 έως 16:00 στα γραφεία των Γιατρών του Κόσμου: Σαπφούς 12, Τ.Κ. 105 53 – Αθήνα, 5ος όροφος, κατάθεση στο πρωτόκολλο. Υπόδειγμα της αίτησης αποτελεί παράρτημα της παρούσης.

Μαζί με την αίτηση υποβάλλονται συνημμένα σε σφραγισμένο φάκελο:

  1. Αντίγραφα των δικαιολογητικών των κριτηρίων επιλογής που αναγράφονται στον πίνακα της Πρόσκλησης.
  2. Αναλυτικό Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα (για την απόδειξη των ανωτέρω απαραίτητων και επιθυμητών προσόντων και σημειώνοντας επιπρόσθετα την ύπαρξη συστατικών επιστολών, εάν υπάρχουν). Ο ενδιαφερόμενος θα πρέπει να είναι σε θέση να προσκομίσει τα όσα αναγράφει στο βιογραφικό σημείωμα όταν ζητηθεί από την Επιτροπή Αξιολόγησης και εφόσον επιλεγεί.

Ο υποψήφιος σημειώνει απ’ έξω από τον φάκελο τα στοιχεία αλληλογραφίας και τη θέση εργασίας. Η αίτηση θα  υποβάλλεται σε φάκελο και θα συνοδεύεται από τα δικαιολογητικά.


Shelter Coordinator – Patra – IOM GREECE



  • University degree in Social Work or Humanitarian Sciences from an accredited academic institution with at least two years of relevant work experience. Master’s degree in above fields an advantage.
  • Τraining in one or more of below subjects an advantage
    o child protection or
    o the protection of unaccompanied minors or
    o vulnerability management or
    o the reception of applicants for international protection or
    o the integration of recognized beneficiaries of international protection

Accredited Universities are those listed in the UNESCO World Higher Education Database.


  • Minimum two years of relevant work experience in a field related to child protection or the protection of unaccompanied minors or vulnerability management or the reception of applicants for international protection or the integration of recognized beneficiaries of international protection;
  • Experience in working in a multi-cultural environment;
  • Familiar with direct assistance to migrants and/or refugees.


  • Ability to work under minimal supervision;
  • Demonstrated ability to work well under pressure and keep deadlines;
  • Strong work ethics and commitment to humanitarian principles;
  • Willingness to work under difficult conditions;
  • Willingness to work in morning or evening shifts, during holidays and weekends; as well as night emergencies;
  • Strong organizational, facilitation, communication, writing and presentations skills;
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills, personal commitment, efficiency and flexibility;
  • Excellent level of computer literacy, and proficient use of commonly used IT equipment.


  • Fluency in English and Greek (written and oral) is required

IOM’s official languages are English, French and Spanish.

Proficiency of language(s) required will be specifically evaluated during the selection process, which may include written and/or oral assessments.

Apply Before02/20/2025

For further information and other job postings, you are welcome to visit our website: IOM Careers and Job Vacancies



Social Worker – Patra – IOM GREECE



  • University degree in Social Work with a minimum of one year of relevant work experience.
  • Master’s degree in above field an advantage.
  • Licensed Social Worker.
  • Membership with the Association of Greek Social Workers.

Accredited Universities are those listed in the UNESCO World Higher Education Database.


  • Experience in psychosocial support, work in the migrant and refugee’s context or any other relevant experience;
  • Previous experience working with children considered as an asset.


  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills, personal commitment, efficiency and flexibility;
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision;
  • Good level of computer literacy;
  • Ability to work under difficult conditions;
  • Willingness to work in morning or evening shifts, during holidays and weekends; as well as night emergencies
  • Valid driver’s license with at least five years of driving experience would be an advantage.


  • Fluency in English and Greek (written and oral) is required.

IOM’s official languages are English, French and Spanish.

Language proficiency (s) required will be specifically evaluated during the selection process, which may include written and/or oral assessments.

For further information and other job postings, you are welcome to visit our website: IOM Careers and Job Vacancies

Apply Before02/20/2025,



Psychologist – Patra – IOM GREECE



  • University degree in Psychology with minimum two years of relevant work experience.
  • Master’s degree in a related field an advantage.
  • Licensed Psychologist.
  • Registration or chartered membership with the Greek Psychological Association an advantage.

Accredited Universities are those listed in the UNESCO World Higher Education Database.


  • At least two years of relevant professional experience, preferably in psychosocial support in the migration and refugee context;
  • Experience in emergency psychology a distinct advantage;
  • Previous experience working with children and/or vulnerable population preferred;
  • Experience working in a multi-cultural environment preferred.


  • Strong work ethics and commitment to humanitarian principles;
  • Willingness to work in day/ night shifts, during holidays and weekends;
  • Valid driver’s license with at least five years driving experience an advantage.


  • Fluency in English and Greek (written and oral) is required.

IOM’s official languages are English, French and Spanish.

For further information and other job postings, you are welcome to visit our website: IOM Careers and Job Vacancies

Apply Before02/20/2025,



Caregiver – Patra – IOM GREECE



  • University degree in Humanitarian, Social Sciences, Social Work or a related field from an accredited academic institution; or
  • Minimum high school degree with one year of relevant work experience.

Accredited Universities are those listed in the UNESCO World Higher Education Database.


  • Familiar with direct assistance to migrants and/or refugees and particularly with children;
  • Previous experience in a similar role preferred;
  • Experience with diverse populations and cultural sensitivity;
  • Experience working in a multi-cultural environment;
  • Willingness to work on day/night shifts, during holidays and weekends;
  • Positive records of previous experience in a similar field;
  • Valid driver’s license with at least five years of driving experience will be an asset.


  • Ability to maintain a safe and healthy environment for children;
  • Ability to understand and follow specific instructions and procedures;
  • Strong organizational and facilitation skills, as well communication and interpersonal skills with minors;
  • Understanding of child needs and ability to provide a supportive and caring environment for children;
  • Strong understanding of stages of childhood development;
  • Ability to immediately respond to emergency /crisis situation according to the provided guidelines;
  • Proficient use of commonly used IT equipment and the appropriate software solutions;
  • Computer literacy in standard software applications (MS Office, etc.).


  • Fluency in English and Greek (written and oral) is required.

IOM’s official languages are English, French and Spanish.

Proficiency of language(s) required will be specifically evaluated during the selection process, which may include written and/or oral assessments.

For further information and other job postings, you are welcome to visit our website: IOM Careers and Job Vacancies

Apply Before02/20/2025,



Interpreter (Arabic) – Patra – IOM GREECE



  • High school degree/certificate.
  • Bachelor’s degree in Interpretation/Translation, Social Science, Humanities, or relevant discipline would be considered as an advantage.

Accredited Universities are those listed in the UNESCO World Higher Education Database.


  • Previous experience in a similar role and/or certification/training preferred;
  • Familiar with direct assistance to migrants and/or refugees preferred;
  • Experience in working in a multi-cultural environment an advantage.


  • Computer literacy in standard software applications (MS Office, etc);
  • Willingness to work in day shifts and in emergencies in night shifts, during holidays and weekends;
  • Valid driver’s license with at least five years driving experience an advantage.


Working knowledge of English or Greek is required.

Fluency in Arabic (written and oral) is required.

IOM’s official languages are English, French and Spanish.

Proficiency of language(s) required will be specifically evaluated during the selection process, which may include written and/or oral assessments.

For further information and other job postings, you are welcome to visit our website: IOM Careers and Job Vacancies

Apply Before02/20/2025



Social Worker – Athens IOM GREECE



  • University degree in Social Work with a minimum of one year of relevant work experience.
  • Master’s degree in above field an advantage.
  • Licensed Social Worker.
  • Membership with the Association of Greek Social Workers.

Accredited Universities are those listed in the UNESCO World Higher Education Database.


  • Experience in psychosocial support, work in the migrant and refugee’s context or any other relevant experience;
  • Previous experience working with children considered as an asset;


  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills, personal commitment, efficiency and flexibility;
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision;
  • Good level of computer literacy;
  • Ability to work under difficult conditions;
  • Willingness to work in morning or evening shifts, during holidays and weekends; as well as night emergencies
  • Valid driver’s license with at least five years of driving experience would be an advantage.


  • Fluency in English and Greek (written and oral) is required.

IOM’s official languages are English, French and Spanish.

Proficiency of language(s) required will be specifically evaluated during the selection process, which may include written and/or oral assessments.

For further information and other job postings, you are welcome to visit our website: IOM Careers and Job Vacancies

Apply Before 02/16/2025


Reporting Assistant (Project Development) – Athens – IOM GREECE


  • Bachelor’s degree in Political or Social Science, Business Administration, International Relations, Communications, Law or a related field from an accredited academic institution with minimum three years of relevant work experience; or,
  • High school degree/certificate with minimum five years of relevant work experience.

Accredited Universities are those listed in the UNESCO World Higher Education Database.


  • Proven capacity to produce high-quality reports in English;
  • Experience in liaising with governmental and diplomatic authorities as well as with international
  • Experience in preparation of statistical charts, tables and reports.


  • Excellent computer skills (Excel, Word, Outlook, Power Point presentation).


  • Fluency in English and Greek (written and oral) is required

IOM’s official languages are English, French and Spanish.

Proficiency of language(s) required will be specifically evaluated during the selection process, which may include written and/or oral assessments.

For further information and other job postings, you are welcome to visit our website: IOM Careers and Job Vacancies

Apply Before 02/17/2025



Cook – PatraIOM GREECE



  • Certificate of relevant professional experience or certified training;
  • Updated and valid health certificate and successful examinations for food handlers, are mandatory.

Accredited Universities are those listed in the UNESCO World Higher Education Database.


  • Existence of experience in a similar role;
  • Willingness to work in morning shift, including holidays and weekends;
  • Experience working with children and/or vulnerable population preferred;
  • Previous experience working in a multi-cultural environment preferred.


  • Strong work ethics and commitment to humanitarian principles.


  • Fluency in Greek (written and oral) with working knowledge of English or French is required.

IOM’s official languages are English, French and Spanish.

Proficiency of language(s) required will be specifically evaluated during the selection process, which may include written and/or oral assessments.

For further information and other job postings, you are welcome to visit our website: IOM Careers and Job Vacancies

Apply Before 02/20/2025


Community Engagement & Program Officer – Athens – SOLIDARITY NOW


  • Minimum 3 years of relevant experience
  • Master’s degree in relevant field (i.e., Humanities, Social Sciences, Political Sciences, International Relations, Law or relevant field)
  • Sound programmatic knowledge of any of the following priority areas will be highly appreciated: social protection, education, youth engagement, employment, legal aid, migration & asylum, integration of vulnerable social groups
  • Sound knowledge and experience of NGO humanitarian/development program cycle management and experience of working within a complex organizational structure
  • Project management skills regarding development, staffing, budgeting and scheduling
  • Good knowledge of Greek and international humanitarian systems, institutions, donors and procedures
  • Excellent writing skills
  • Team player with excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Fluency in Greek and English, proficiency in other languages desirable
  • Proficiency with MS Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word business software

If you are interested in applying, please send your CV and motivation letter to [email protected] mentioning in the email subject “Community Engagement & Program Officer _ Athens”.

Due to the urgency of recruitment, SN reserves the right to complete the process as soon as a suitable candidate has been identified. Interested candidates should submit their applications (CV and motivation letter) no later than February 25th2025.



Administrative Assistant – Athens – SOLIDARITY NOW


  • BSc degree from any field of academic institution;
  • Relevant experience in administrative/secretarial tasks;
  • Excellent organizational and time management skills;
  • Fluency in Greek and English language;
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, and office management tools.
  • Strong interpersonal & communications skills;
  • Sound work ethics;
  • Familiarity with NGO operations or the non-profit sector is a plus.
  • Responsibility, accuracy and attention to detail;
  • Ability to multi-task and work under pressure;
  • Ability to work on own initiative and as part of a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary team.

If you are interested in applying, please send your CV and motivation letter to  [email protected] mentioning in the email subject “ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT_ATHENS”.

Due to the urgency of recruitment, SN reserves the right to complete the process as soon as the suitable candidate has been identified. Interested candidates should submit their applications (CV and motivation letter) not later than 20th of February 2025.