Final International Conference of the Net Care Project

Sexual and gender-based violence against  migrant and refugee population.

The impact of the Covid pandemic on risk of being exposed to SGBV in Spain, Italy and Greece

The Net Care project funded by the European Commission aimed to strengthen a network of public and private services for the protection of migrant and refugee survivors of forms of sexual gender-based violence (SGBV) in Greece, Italy and Spain. The final conference intends to discuss the lessons learned, best practices and challenges from the direct support to migrant and refugee women and children during the first phase of the Covid Emergency. Thanks to front line professionals and activists, we would like to exchange work methodologies in supporting survivors and fostering their recovery and access to protection services.


Agenda of the Net Care Conference

(Available in EN, IT, ES, GR)


Introduction and greetings. Net Care staff (GR, IT, ES)


Anti-violence centers responses during the Covid emergency – best practices and regulations for the protection of migrant and refugee women and children in Italy. Ilaria Boiano – femminist lawyer and activist for Differenza Donna – IT


The impact of COVID-19 on LGBTI refugees and migrants: Challenges from the third sector in Spain. Gonzalo Felipe Félix Serrano Martínez – President of the Andalusian Federation Arcoiris – ES


The cultural mediation services for migrant and refugee survivors of SGBV: cases during the Covid Pandemic in Greece.

Rania Saad, Interpreter in migrant/ refugee support services – GR

Anis Alexandros El Namparaoui, Community Interpreter in Mental Health settings – GR


Migrant women victims of sexual exploitation during the pandemic: the invisibility of the problem in Spain. Miguel Ángel Hidalgo Medina – Activist from Cáritas – supporting survivors/victims of human trafficking


The cultural mediation services for migrant and refugee survivors of SGBV: cases during the Covid Pandemic in Italy. Sandra Blessing – Interpreter/cultural mediator in public services and anti-trafficking agencies – IT


Questions and debate. Moderator: Maria Nella Lippi – Oxfam Italy

The project n°856909 has been funded with support from the European Commission. The content of this document represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.