Οι Αγγελίες της Πέμπτης – Ανθρωπιστικός Τομέας – 6/3/2025
Βρείτε εδώ αγγελίες εργασίας, όπως για κοινωνικούς λειτουργούς, ψυχολόγους, διερμηνείς και πολλές ακόμα.
Health Promoter – Samos – MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES
Job Title: Health Promoter
Location: Samos, Greece
Duration: 12-month contract (with possibility of extension)
Closing Date: 16/03/2025
MSF Mission
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international independent medical-humanitarian organization, which offers assistance to populations in distress, to victims of natural or human-made disasters and to victims of armed conflict, without discrimination and irrespective of ethnicity, religion, creed or political affiliation. MSF is a civil society initiative that brings together individuals committed to the assistance of other human beings in crisis. As such, MSF is by choice an association. Each individual working with MSF does it out of conviction and is ready to uphold the values and principles of the organization.
MSF in Greece provides humanitarian and medical assistance to the refugee and migrant populations fleeing conflict and other precarious situations in their home countries.
We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organization.
Position Objectives
Develop and implement Health Promotion / IEC activities to the Refugee Population and MSF Patients to raise their knowledge and skills on relevant medical topics.
Main Accountabilities
- Inform patients and communities about MSF and services it provides.
- According to medical priorities, deliver information to the patients and community on specific health topics.
- Implement activities of health education and awareness (sessions in schools, churches, community), under the indications and supervision of the HP Supervisor.
- Under the guide of HP Supervisor, assess the impact of activities (with questions, verifications, and behaviors observations), and report problems, success, and constraints to him/her.
- Collect all type of information related to specific health and living conditions of the population, in particular to identify the most vulnerable populations to target.
- Report to HP Supervisor: activities, problems met, strengths and constraints.
- Establish and maintain contacts with social partners, including other NGO’s, governmental health services that can provide answers to social problems.
- Keep education and communication areas clean and tidy and professional materials available.
- Participate in creation of any material needed for the activities of information, education and communication.
Essential Criteria
- Education level in social science, social communication, nursing, or teaching.
- Ability to develop, organise and work independently after collaboration with team / supervisor.
- Fluency in English, oral and written, are mandatory.
- Knowledge of Greek, Arabic, Farsi and/or French is an asset.
- Previous working experience in MSF or in NGO will be highly appreciated.
- Cross Cultural awareness, behavioural flexibility
- Results and Quality Orientation
- Team-work and Cooperation
- Effective Management, organizational and communication skills
- Commitment to MSF Principles
- Stress-Management
Post Conditions
- Full-time position
- Monthly Gross salary of EUR €1420
- Private health insurance
To Apply
Please send your CV and a motivation letter in English quoting reference code “Health Promoter – Samos” in the subject line of the e-mail at: [email protected].
All applications will be treated in strictest confidentiality.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
The protection of your personal data is important to MSF. By submitting your application, you consent to MSF using your data only for the recruitment process to have all the information and documents necessary to proceed with the recruitment, validation of your application and selection of the most suitable candidate. Your data will be treated confidentially. Only people part of the recruitment process have access to your data. MSF does not sell your data under any circumstances. If you have any questions or requests, you can contact [email protected]
Καθαρίστρια/ής – Λέρος – ΓΙΑΤΡΟΙ ΧΩΡΙΣ ΣΥΝΟΡΑ
Job Title/Τίτλος Θέσης: Cleaner/ Καθαρίστρια/ής
Location/Τοποθεσία: Leros/Λέρος
Duration/ Διάρκεια: Indefinite (Part Time)/Αορίστου (Μερικής Απασχόλησης)
Closing Date/ Αιτήσεις έως: 12/03/2025
Αποστολή των Γιατρών Χωρίς Σύνορα
Οι Γιατροί Χωρίς Σύνορα (ΓΧΣ) είναι ένας διεθνής ανεξάρτητος ιατροανθρωπιστικός οργανισμός, που προσφέρει βοήθεια σε πληθυσμούς που βρίσκονται σε κίνδυνο, σε θύματα φυσικών ή ανθρωπογενών καταστροφών και σε θύματα ένοπλων συγκρούσεων, χωρίς διακρίσεις και ανεξαρτήτως εθνικότητας, θρησκείας, θρησκείας ή πολιτικής πίστης. Οι ΓΧΣ είναι μια πρωτοβουλία της κοινωνίας των πολιτών που συγκεντρώνει άτομα που είναι αφοσιωμένα στη βοήθεια άλλων ανθρώπινων όντων σε κρίση. Ως εκ τούτου, οι ΓΧΣ είναι από επιλογή μια ένωση. Κάθε άτομο που εργάζεται με τους ΓΧΣ το κάνει από πεποίθηση και είναι έτοιμο να υποστηρίξει τις αξίες και τις αρχές του οργανισμού.
Οι ΓΧΣ στην Ελλάδα παρέχουν ανθρωπιστική και ιατρική βοήθεια στους πληθυσμούς προσφύγων και μεταναστών που διαφεύγουν από συγκρούσεις και άλλες επισφαλείς καταστάσεις στις χώρες τους.
Είμαστε ένας μη κερδοσκοπικός, αυτοδιοικούμενος οργανισμός που βασίζεται στα μέλη του
Αντικείμενο Θέσης
Εκτέλεση, σύμφωνα με τα πρότυπα υγιεινής, δραστηριοτήτων καθαριότητας και τακτοποίησης προκειμένου να διασφαλίστει ότι οι κοινόχρηστοι και ιδιωτικοί χώροι του προσωπικού είναι σε καλή κατάσταση.
Αρμοδιότητες της Θέσης
- Καθαρισμός υπνοδωματίων, μπάνιων, τουαλετών και άλλα δωμάτια στα σπίτια και στα γραφεία των ΓΧΣ
- Πλύσιμο ρούχων και εκτέλεση άλλων δραστηριοτήτων καθαριότητας
- Υποστήριξη στον καθαρισμό κουζίνας
- Σκούπισμα , σφουγγάρισμα πατωμάτων
- Ανανέωση των προμηθειών (χαρτί υγείας, σαπούνι κτλ) , όπως απαιτείται
- Προετοιμασία ζεστού νέρου για καφέ και τσάι
- Έλεγχος οτι η παροχή νερού (κουζίνα, ντους κτλ) είναι επαρκής κατά τις διακοπές νερού.
- Διατήρηση των εγκαταστάσεων σωστά κλειδωμένες (πόρτες, παράθυρα).
Βασικά Κριτήρια
- Προηγούμενη εργασιακή εμπειρία στην ίδια θέση
- Βασικές γνώσεις Αγγλικής γλώσσας
- Ευελιξία
- Διαχείριση άγχους
- Αποτελεσματικότητα
- Μηνιαίος μεικτός μισθός 520 ευρώ (μερική απασχόληση, 20 ώρες/ανά εβδομάδα)
- Ιδιωτική Ασφάλιση υγείας
Στους Γιατρούς Χωρίς Σύνορα (ΓΧΣ), δεσμευόμαστε σε μια κουλτούρα χωρίς αποκλεισμούς που ενθαρρύνει και υποστηρίζει τις διαφορετικές φωνές των εργαζομένων μας. Η ποικιλομορφία μας τροφοδοτεί την καινοτομία μας και μας συνδέει πιο κοντά με τους δικαιούχους μας και τις κοινότητες στις οποίες εργαζόμαστε. Καλωσορίζουμε τις αιτήσεις από άτομα όλων των φύλων, ηλικιών, σεξουαλικών προσανατολισμών, εθνικοτήτων, εθνικοτήτων, θρησκειών, πεποιθήσεων και ικανοτήτων και κάθε άλλου χαρακτηριστικού διαφορετικότητας.
Για Την Αιτηση
Παρακαλούμε στείλτε το βιογραφικό σας αναφέροντας τον κωδικό αναφοράς “Καθαρίστρια-ης” στη γραμμή θέματος του e-mail στη διεύθυνση: [email protected]
Όλες οι αιτήσεις θα αντιμετωπίζονται με απόλυτη εμπιστευτικότητα.
Θα υπάρξει επικοινωνία μόνο με τους υποψηφίους που θα επιλεγούν.
Η προστασία των προσωπικών σας δεδομένων είναι σημαντική για τους ΓΧΣ. Υποβάλλοντας την αίτησή σας, συναινείτε στους ΓΧΣ να χρησιμοποιούν τα δεδομένα σας μόνο για τη διαδικασία πρόσληψης για να έχουν όλες τις πληροφορίες και τα έγγραφα που απαιτούνται για να προχωρήσετε στην πρόσληψη, την επικύρωση της αίτησής σας και την επιλογή του καταλληλότερου υποψηφίου. Τα δεδομένα σας θα αντιμετωπιστούν εμπιστευτικά. Μόνο άτομα που συμμετέχουν στη διαδικασία πρόσληψης έχουν πρόσβαση στα δεδομένα σας. Οι ΓΧΣ δεν πωλούν τα δεδομένα σας σε καμία περίπτωση. Εάν έχετε οποιεσδήποτε ερωτήσεις ή αιτήματα, μπορείτε να msfocb–athens–recruitment@brussels.msf.org [αποστολή HR επικοινωνία].
Medical Coordinator – Athens – MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES
Job Title: Medical Coordinator
Location: Athens, Greece
Duration: 1 year (with possibility of extension)
Closing date: 09/03/2025
MSF Mission
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international independent medical-humanitarian organization, which offers assistance to populations in distress, to victims of natural or human-made disasters and to victims of armed conflict, without discrimination and irrespective of ethnicity, religion, creed or political affiliation. MSF is a civil society initiative that brings together individuals committed to the assistance of other human beings in crisis. As such, MSF is by choice an association. Each individual working with MSF does it out of conviction and is ready to uphold the values and principles of the organization.
MSF in Greece provides humanitarian and medical assistance to the refugee and migrant populations fleeing conflict and other precarious situations in their home countries.
We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organization.
Position Objectives
In close collaboration with the HoM and the Medical Department, defining and implementing the medical strategy of the Mission. Being responsible for the planning and coordination of all medical activities and resources in the mission, according to MSF’s charter, policies, and ethical principles with consideration of international and national laws, in order to ensure the delivery of quality medical care for patients and their communities as well as to improve the health condition and humanitarian living conditions of the target population.
Contextual Information For The Mission
Greece remains one of the main entry points to Europe, since more than one million of people, mostly coming from war torn countries, transited through the country in 2015. MSF started to respond to humanitarian and medical needs of vulnerable people on the move in 2016, with a project located in downtown Athens. Since 2019, MSF also runs a project on Samos Island. In both projects, MSF offers to a broad package of primary health care, including sexual and reproductive health, mental health, and health promotion. Socio-legal services complement medical care to ensure a holistic approach. MSF responds to medical needs of vulnerable people regardless of their legal status, whether they reside in camps or in urban areas.
Responsibilities Of The Position
- Being responsible for defining, monitoring and updating the medical content of the MSF country policy, medical strategy, annual plan and budget, translating the identified health needs into a medical strategic vision and project objectives, priorities and resources needed in order to cover the medical and humanitarian needs of the population at risk, and ensuring that the objectives and goals set in the Mission’s annual plan, CPP and project plans are achieved.
- Being overall responsible for the appropriateness and quality of medical interventions conducted by MSF projects and being expected to identify and work on removing barriers to better patient safety, effective medical care, and better patient-centered activities.
- Continuously monitoring the medical and humanitarian needs in the country through exploratory missions, the use of health information systems, monitoring and reviewing project proposals, determining necessary resources in order to cover medical and humanitarian needs of the population at risk.
- Being responsible for the supervision and monitoring of the medical technical aspects, humanitarian needs and in coordination with the Logistics Coordinator, the material aspects of the programmes through regular field visits, analyzing difficulties during the implementation and reporting deviations as they appear, in order to proactively provide the necessary solutions and achieve operational results.
- In close collaboration with the HR Coordinator, participating in the planning, definition and sizing of the health-workforce in the mission and supervising the associated processes (recruitment, validation of medical staff, training/induction, evaluation, potential detection, development and communication). Coaching and directly supporting project coordinators and medical teams in the implementation of the medical activities.
- Together with the HR Coordinator, defining, updating and implementing the Mission’s Health and Safety Policy Framework including medical insurance, social packages and repatriation policy. Ensuring the guarantee of the highest possible level of medical related security issues (mental and physical health and safety in the workplace) and monitoring the psychological status of all Mission’s staff, suggesting solutions to help improve mental health related issues.
- Being responsible for defining and sizing other resources (pharmacy and medical equipment management in collaboration with logistics) and timelines, procedures and protocols. Ensuring preparation of all medical orders in collaboration with the Logistics Department and the submission of all medical purchase requests to HQ. Being accountable for the proper management of the pharmacy in the Mission, including projects.
- Providing reports on the mission’s evolution from the medical perspective, as required, and is responsible for the Medical Library of the Mission. Informing the medical field staff of all materials available, and keeping all medical documents updated in the database.
- Representing MSF before local medical authorities and keeping regular contact with other counterparts in the mission (NGOs, local organizations, donors, authorities) in order to broaden the medical-humanitarian situation analysis, strengthening the impact of the medical intervention and supporting advocacy actions to raise humanitarian awareness.
MSF Section/Context Specific Accountabilities
- Coordinate and support the Athens Project team for the stepwise downscaling and phasing out of medical activities throughout 2025, including the capitalization report.
- Coordinate and support Samos project team to refocus Primary health care activities, including the referral criteria.
- Coordinate and support Samos Project team to enhance community SRH activities, including initiatives for improving access of sexual violence care to male survivors.
- Coordinate the overall improvement of the pharmacy set-up.
- Provide medical advocacy analysis to support the general advocacy strategy.
- Ensure the follow up and update of the Staff Health Policy, in collaboration with HR, SSU and OPS.
- Ensure the follow up and update (if necessary) of the EPREP strategy.
Selection Criteria
- Essential, degree in medicine or other paramedical studies. Specialization in tropical medicine or a degree in Public Health would be an asset.
- Essential, working experience of at least two years in a similar position, relevant jobs and previous humanitarian experience in MSF or other NGOs in developing countries.
- English (French and/or Arabic desirable).
- Essential computer literacy (word, excel and internet).
- Strategic Vision
- Leadership
- People Management and Development
- Service Orientation
- Teamwork and Cooperation
Post Conditions
- Monthly gross salary: 3880 euros
- Health Insurance
At Médecins sans Frontières (MSF), we are committed to an inclusive culture that encourages and supports the diverse voices of our employees. Our diversity fuels our innovation and connects us closer to our beneficiaries and the communities in which we work. We welcome applications from individuals of all genders, ages, sexual orientations, nationalities, ethnicities, religions, beliefs, and ability status and all other diversity characteristic.
To Apply
Please send your CV and a motivation letter in English quoting reference code “Medical Coordinator – Athens” in the subject line of the e-mail at: [email protected]
All applications will be treated in strictest confidentiality.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
The protection of your personal data is important to MSF. By submitting your application, you consent to MSF using your data only for the recruitment process to have all the information and documents necessary to proceed with the recruitment, validation of your application and selection of the most suitable candidate. Your data will be treated confidentially. Only people part of the recruitment process have access to your data. MSF does not sell your data under any circumstances. If you have any questions or requests, you can contact [email protected] [[email protected]].
Humanitarian Affairs Manager – Athens – MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES
Job Title: Humanitarian Affairs Manager
Location: Athens
Duration: Indefinite
Closing Date: 06/03/2025
MSF Mission
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international independent medical-humanitarian organization, which offers assistance to populations in distress, to victims of natural or human-made disasters and to victims of armed conflict, without discrimination and irrespective of ethnicity, religion, creed or political affiliation. MSF is a civil society initiative that brings together individuals committed to the assistance of other human beings in crisis. As such, MSF is by choice an association. Each individual working with MSF does it out of conviction and is ready to uphold the values and principles of the organization.
MSF in Greece provides humanitarian and medical assistance to the refugee and migrant populations fleeing conflict and other precarious situations in their home countries.
We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organization.
Position Objectives
The Humanitarian Affairs Manager is responsible for managing all humanitarian affairs advocacy activities in the country in line with MSF policies and values, following the Operational line linked with the HQ Hu-manitarian Affairs or Analysis Department (in absence of a Humanitarian Affairs Coordinator) The Human-itarian Affairs Manager is a member of the Country Management Team (CMT) and acts as a sparring-partner for all operational and medical teams.
Responsibilities Of The Position
Core Tasks
- Defining, implementing and where relevant coordinating all MSF humanitarian affairs and advocacy activities for the country team, including identifying the humanitarian issues of concern to MSF, drafting advocacy strategies addressing the medical and humanitarian priorities, and ensuring that advocacy components are included in project and country operational strategies.
- Supervise the quality of field-level data collection (under MSF ethical guidelines) for humanitarian affairs and advocacy purpose.
- Analysing and reporting on key humanitarian issues and trends ; provide regular updates on humanitarian aid system dynamics (NGO/Donor planning, Red Cross movement activities and positioning) to increase the leverage and the impact of MSF advocacy in line with operational plans, regular activities and medical-humanitarian advocacy objectives.
- Draft ad hoc talking points and internal/external reports in relation to main medical-humanitarian concerns while strengthening the integration of humanitarian affairs (analysis, critical reflection, contextual understanding) and operational communications.
- Advises CMT and Head of Mission/Medical Coordinators on perception related to positioning and operational strategy and in collaboration with the FCM supports insurance of good acceptance for MSF projects/presence.
- Drafts regular situation reports for country team/HQ as well as reports for external use in line with country advocacy strategy.
- If relevant, manages, supervises and develops staff under his/ her direct responsibility.
Data Collection – Analysis
- Design and support the implementation of data collection systems with regards to the country context (focus on national level with potential regional/global repercussions, and local developments in project locations), and medical-humanitarian issues, in order to provide reliable information for operational and strategic decision-making.
- Provide data and discourse analysis in support of the Head of Mission to inform MSF positioning in-country (project-level and at national level), particularly in terms of political / operational environment (regulation frameworks, donor/aid agreements, trade and economic developments).
- Propose improvements in the methodologies and tools used, and provide trainings to in country teams as required
- Undertake actor mapping and stakeholders’ analysis on behalf of projects and, while providing guidance / support to PCs for the management of relations with local authorities, and strategic advice to Head of Mission / Medical Co for national-level organizational positioning
Representation – Communication
- Support networking needs by participating in representation duties in non-project locations (on delegation from the Head of Mission), including with domestic civil society, professional groups (doctors’/nurses’ associations), and local academics/universities.
- Link with other MSF sections in-country to share analysis, define common positions and develop inter-OC advocacy initiatives.
- On request/project basis, interact with the international MSF advocacy network (reflection centres, the HRT network, the MSF Access Campaign, etc.) to provide updated contextualized medical-humanitarian content and support on defining tailored advocacy strategies and messages.
- Lead discussions, trainings, briefings, etc. on the country’s medical-humanitarian context, MSF principles, international humanitarian law, medical ethics, and advocacy activities/strategies to raise awareness of MSF national and expatriate staff on these topics.
On Request
- Undertake in country assessments (in relation to data gathering/context analysis or exploratory assessments) and other work-related traveling as required.
- Draft Terms of Reference, supervise, and evaluate other humanitarian affairs staff deployed to the country (Humanitarian Affairs Officers).
MSF Section/Context Specific Accountabilities
- Analyse and monitor the trends related to migration dynamics in Greece, including access to health care, legal framework, human rights conditions among other aspects
- Identify and report humanitarian concerns related to the protection gaps, ensuring that alternative responses are identified
- In close collaboration with the teams at the projects, document key medical humanitarian con-cerns, including in relation to access to health care, consequences of violence, reception condi-tions – as per the mission advocacy priorities – translating them into advocacy actions
- Collects testimonies/interviews from the identified patients/stakeholders based on identified advo-cacy objectives
- Work in close collaboration with project teams, in particular the medical teams, in identifying changing humanitarian needs/trends, identifying advocacy priorities, and remaining up to date on the project context and local level engagements.
- Carry out regular field visits to the projects – minimum 50% of the time – aiming to strenghten the point mentioned above.
Essential Criteria
- Essential degree (anthropology/social/political sciences, law, gender studies, protection) with first-rate writing skills and excellent research / analytical skills – Campaigning organizational experience an asset
- Required previous experience working with refugees and migrants
- Knowledge of key gaps and main humanitarian concerns related to asylum, migration and reception policies in Greece
- Awareness of European frameworks on asylum and migration is an asset
- Writing and reading skills in Greek and English
- Essential previous working experience of at least three years in humanitarian affairs, research, analysis or advocacy.
- Essential experience with MSF or other NGOs.
- Essential working experience in developing countries.
- Good understanding of current humanitarian debates and of the dilemma/compromise nature of modern humanitarian interventions
- Cross Cultural awareness and flexibility
- Analytical Thinking
- Organizational and communication skills
- Stress Management
- Results and Quality Orientation
- Service Orientation
- Teamwork and Cooperation
Post Conditions
- Monthly Gross salary of 2300 EUR (full time)
- Private health insurance
- Full time position
At Médecins sans Frontières (MSF), we are committed to an inclusive culture that encourages and supports the diverse voices of our employees. Our diversity fuels our innovation and connects us closer to our beneficiaries and the communities in which we work. We welcome applications from individuals of all genders, ages, sexual orientations, nationalities, ethnicities, religions, beliefs, and ability status and all other diversity characteristic.
To Apply
Please send your CV and a motivation letter in English quoting reference code “Advocacy Manager” in the subject line of the e-mail at: [email protected]
All applications will be treated in strictest confidentiality.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
The protection of your personal data is important to MSF. By submitting your application, you consent to MSF using your data only for the recruitment process to have all the information and documents necessary to proceed with the recruitment, validation of your application and selection of the most suitable candidate. Your data will be treated confidentially. Only people part of the recruitment process have access to your data. MSF does not sell your data under any circumstances. If you have any questions or requests, you can [email protected]
Project Team Lead (Employability and Education) – Lamia – IOM GREECE
Required Qualifications and Experience Education
- High school degree with four years of relevant professional experience, or;
- University degree in psychology, social work, law, sociology, social anthropology, management and business administration, public administration, education or any other related field from an accredited academic institution with minimum two years of work experience.
- Master’s degree in the above fields will be considered an advantage.
Experience and Skills
- At least two years of previous work experience;
- Possess adequate combination of knowledge, education, training experience and skills to perform essential functions of the position;
- Computer literacy in standard software applications;
- Experience in working in a multi-cultural environment preferred;
- Strong work ethics and commitment to humanitarian principles;
- Valid driver’s license with at least five years driving experience an advantage.
Languages Fluency in English and Greek (written and oral) is required.
How to apply:
Interested candidates are invited to submit their application including a cover letter, CV and a completed Personal History Form in English by email to: [email protected], specifying the vacancy reference number GRCFA25-009 and full name in the subject line.
Engineer (Electrical – Mechanical) – Thessaloniki – IOM GREECE
- University degree in Electrical and / or Mechanical Engineering or a related field from an accredited academic institution with three years of relevant professional experience.
- Master’s degree in above fields will be considered an advantage.
Accredited Universities are those listed in the UNESCO World Higher Education Database.
- Prior work experience with international humanitarian organizations, non-government or government institutions/organization in a multi-cultural setting is an advantage;
- Demonstrated ability to draft and prepare clear and concise formal correspondence and project(s) reports.
- Computer literacy in standard software applications (MS Office, etc);
- Sound knowledge of specialized IT programmes for engineering and architecture, among others: ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, InDesign, 3D Studio max and any other similar technical software would be an advantage;
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills in a multi-cultural setting;
- Demonstrated ability to work well under pressure and keep deadlines;
- Valid driver’s license with at least five years driving experience an advantage.
- Fluency in English and Greek (written and oral) is required.
For further information and other job postings, you are welcome to visit our website: IOM Careers and Job Vacancies
Regional Coordinator (Central Greece) – Lamia – IOM GREECE
Required Qualifications and Experience Education
- High School Diploma with minimum six years of relevant working experience, or;
- University degree in political science, international relations, social work, law, sociology, social anthropology, management and business administration, public administration, or any other related field from an accredited academic institution with minimum four years of work experience.
- Master’s degree in the above fields will be considered an advantage.
Experience and Skills
- At least four years of previous work experience;
- Possess adequate combination of knowledge, education, training experience and skills to perform essential functions of the position;
- Computer literacy in standard software applications;
- Experience in working in a multi-cultural environment preferred;
- Strong work ethics and commitment to humanitarian principles;
- Valid driver’s license with at least five years driving experience an advantage.
Languages Fluency in English and Greek (written and oral) is required.
How to apply:
Interested candidates are invited to submit their application including a cover letter, CV and a completed Personal History Form in English by email to: [email protected], specifying the vacancy reference number GRCFA25-008 and full name in the subject line.
Junior Program Officer – Athens – SOLIDARITY NOW
- 1 year of relevant experience
- Degree in relevant field (i.e., Humanities, Social Sciences, Political Sciences, International Relations, Law or relevant field); a related Master’s degree will be considered an asset
- Sound knowledge of any of the following priority areas: social protection, education, youth engagement, employment, legal aid, migration & asylum, integration of vulnerable social groups
- Knowledge and experience of NGO program cycle management, as well as project management skills will be considered an asset
- Excellent writing skills
- Team player with excellent interpersonal and communication skills
- Strong motivation to learn and evolve within the organization
- Fluency in Greek and English, proficiency in other languages desirable
- Proficiency with MS Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word business software
If you are interested in applying, please send your CV and motivation letter to [email protected] mentioning in the email subject “Junior Program Officer _ Athens”.
Free Shop Officer in a Community Center for People on the Move – Katsikas – SOUP & SOCKS E.V.
Hiring criteria
- Active Participation in Habibi.Works: As part of the team, you will actively engage in the Habibi.Works space, take shifts in different workingareas beside the FreeShop, participating in discussions and meetings, and contributing to the overall direction of the project. You’ll take ownership of your role and collaborate in a flat-hierarchy, community-driven environment.
- Able to work independently but thrives in a team setting, with a strong sense of ownership and responsibility.
- Comfortable taking part in discussions, offering ideas, and participating in decision-making processes within a non-hierarchical, collaborative environment.
- Experience in managing or organizing community spaces, such as free shops or distribution systems, is ideal.
- Comfortable in a fast-paced, dynamic environment and capable of staying organized and calm under pressure.
- A valid driver’s license and ability to drive for procurement and logistics.
- Strong communication skills, with an emphasis on empathy and inclusivity
- A commitment of at least 12 months
How to apply
Please send us your cover letter and CV at the following email address: [email protected]
Professional Development Manager – Serres – LIFTING HANDS INTERNATIONAL
Essential Criteria
- Proactive, with the ability to work both independently and collaboratively
- Previous humanitarian experience working with vulnerable populations
- Experience in professional development and skills training, including program facilitation
- Understanding of the implementation of psycho-social support (PSS) programs and a community-led approach
- Previous experience in leading and managing teams
- Ability to handle safeguarding with professionalism and care
- Calm and professional demeanor, with the ability to work effectively under pressure
- Strong communication skills and ability to work efficiently in a large, multicultural team
- Strong problem-solving skills and flexibility in dynamic environments
- Minimum six-month commitment required
- Fluent in English
How to apply
To apply, please fill out this application: https://tinyurl.com/ycx27r4e
To find out more about Lifting Hands International in Greece and around the globe, you can visit our site at www.lhi.org
Director of Operations – Serres – LIFTING HANDS INTERNATIONAL
Essential Criteria
- People Management: At least 1 year of experience in a coordination role, including people management in a multicultural team.
- Humanitarian Experience: Previous experience in implementing Psycho-Social Support programs and Safeguarding policies.
- Teamwork: Strong communication skills with the ability to work efficiently in a large, multicultural team.
- Professionalism: Ability to remain calm and composed under pressure.
- Proactive: Ability to work independently
- Commitment: Minimum six-month commitment required.
- Language: Fluent in English.
How to apply
To apply, please fill out this application: https://tinyurl.com/4uxznvtr
To find out more about Lifting Hands International in Greece and around the globe, you can visit our site at www.lhi.org.
Project Coordinator – Athens – PROJECT ARMONIA
Person Specification
- At least three years experience in programmes coordination/ management in an NGO.
- Excellent organisational and time management skills.
- A strong team player with a flexible attitude and problem-solving abilities.
- Excellent verbal and written communication and interpersonal skills.
- Experience working with food provision and vocational training programmes.
- Sound leadership skills with the ability to work well both independently and as part of a team.
- Ability to work with people from a diverse range of backgrounds.
- Sound understanding of cost control and budgeting.
- Fluency in Greek and English.
- Have the right to work in Greece.
- Strong knowledge of Google drive, documents, and sheets.
- Valid driving license.
How to apply
Application Procedure
To apply please email a motivation letter and a copy of your CV in English to [email protected].
Project Armonia is wholly committed to inclusion and diversity and to building a community and environment where everyone is appreciated for the unique person they are. We warmly welcome applications from a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences.
We look forward to receiving your application and welcoming you to our team!
Application deadline: Friday 28th March 2025.
Project Manager – Vathy, Samos – HUMAN RIGHTS LEGAL PROJECT
Essential Qualifications and Experience
- The right to live and work, without restriction, in Greece.
- Fluent English language skills;
- Experience in project management and strategic planning; Initial professional experience working within human rights,the migration sector or an NGO.
- As above but within a Greek context;
- Awareness of ethical guidelines for the humanitarian field, including GDPR and safeguarding best practices;
- Dedication to the pursuit of justice and due process in the field of migration;
- Ability and willingness to work in a dynamic and highly challenging environment, which may necessitate out-of-work hours.
- Dedication to the pursuit of justice and due process in the field of migration;
- Self-motivated and able to work independently, while also leading a team;
- Ability and willingness to work in a dynamic and highly challenging environment, which may necessitate out-of-work hours;
- Ability to process large volumes of complex information, and condense it into concise summaries;
- Strong administrative and organisational skills, with the ability to work and manage autonomously;
How to apply
Application Procedure
Please send a CV and Cover Letter, no later than 19 Mar 2025, on how you meet the criteria listed above and how your experience is relevant to [email protected] . Recruitment will be conducted in line with safer recruitment principles. Only appropriately qualified candidates will be considered, applications will be considered on a rolling basis and interested people are strongly encouraged to apply early.
Φροντιστής/ρια ΑμεΑ – Θεσσαλονίκη – ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΣΠΑΣΤΙΚΩΝ ΒΟΡΕΙΟΥ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ
Απαραίτητα προσόντα υποψηφίων
- Πτυχίο Παιδαγωγικών Σπουδών ΙΕΚ ή πτυχίο Επαγγελματικού Λυκείου ειδικότητας Κοινωνικών Φροντιστών ή άλλο συναφές με τη φροντίδα ενηλίκων πτυχίο ή άλλων εκπαιδευτικών οργανισμών σε τομείς που σχετίζονται με την αποστολή των ΣΥΔ. (π.χ. κοινωνικοί βοηθοί, επιμελητές-φροντιστές ΑμεΑ, β. νοσηλευτές κ.λπ.). Πρόσωπα που δεν έχουν την ανωτέρω εκπαίδευση, πλην όμως έχουν ασκήσει οποιαδήποτε επαγγελματική δραστηριότητα η οποία σχετίζεται με την αποστολή των ΣΥΔ, τουλάχιστον 1 έτους, ή εμπειρία στη φροντίδα ατόμων με αναπηρίες μέσω κατασκηνώσεων
- Οι άνδρες να έχουν εκπληρώσει τις στρατιωτικές τους υποχρεώσεις ή να έχουν απαλλαγεί νόμιμα από αυτές.
Απαραίτητα δικαιολογητικά αίτησης
- Βιογραφικό σημείωμα
- Αντίγραφο πτυχίου (αν υπάρχει)
Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι καλούνται να υποβάλουν τα παραπάνω δικαιολογητικά στον Φορέα με e-mail έως τη Δευτέρα 17/03/2025 μέχρι τις 15:00.
Νοσηλευτές/Νοσηλεύτριες και Βοηθοί Νοσηλευτών – Παιανία
Φροντιστές ΑμεΑ – Παιανία