Learn and Claim your Rights through the 3rd “Equality Works” Training

photo: Aris Athanatos
Do you have a passion for promoting human rights or an interest in a specific cause for which you feel you need to take steps towards change, but you don’t know from where to start? As part of the project “Equality Works”, which is implemented under the Active citizens fund program, the 3rd and last short training on Advocacy is coming on the 28th and 29th of June. The Training explores the concepts of advocacy, its key elements, the used tools, how to better deliver a message, whereas case studies from Generation 2.0 RED’s dynamic action will be presented and discussed.
The introductory “Training on Advocacy” is supplemented by the Labor Rights Training, which has been organised on a regular basis for 4 years now, offering essential knowledge on this type of rights.
If you are a person of migrant or refugee background and you are interested in advocating for matters of great importance for your community, apply today at [email protected] by stating your full name and the cause for which you would advocate.
The training will be conducted in English and via Zoom platform.
«The project “Equality Works” is being implemented under the Active citizens fund program, by Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality & Diversity.
The Active citizens fund in Greece is supported through a € 12m grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as part of the EEA Grants 2014 – 2021. The program aims to develop the sustainability and capacity of the civil society sector in Greece, and to strengthen its role in promoting and safeguarding democratic procedures, active citizenship and human rights. The Fund Operator for the Active citizens fund in Greece is Bodossaki Foundation in consortium with SolidarityNow.»
For more information: www.activecitizensfund.gr