People with disabilities in our country face numerous and ongoing difficulties. When the identity of a migrant is added to a person with a disability, the challenges multiply.
As long as the coexistence of disability and migration remains invisible, the need for awareness and action grows. This issue is not limited to Greece, as disability and migration are common concerns in many countries. Generation 2.0 For Rights, Equality & Diversity participated in the creation of “Navigating Disability and Irregular Status in Europe,” which examines disability and migration within the framework of the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM). The report is based on data and research from countries such as Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, and Sweden.
Key Findings
The access of migrants with disabilities to basic rights and services is a persistent challenge. Key issues include limited access to social services (healthcare, disability benefits, etc.), barriers to legalization, and difficulties in obtaining stable and permanent residence permits.
In Greece, disability benefits are limited (300-400 euros/month) and are insufficient to meet even basic needs. Additionally, the requirement for individuals with disabilities to have a residence permit for humanitarian reasons or be family members of a Greek or EU citizen to access disability benefits excludes a large number of third-country nationals. The low benefits also affect access to citizenship for migrants with disabilities due to the economic requirements for naturalization.
The Road to Justice and Equality
Let the discussion begin, both in Greece and in Europe, about those who are often left behind, and let us work together for a future where the rights of all are supported, regardless of legal status or disabilities.
The voices of migrants with disabilities must be heard. There is an urgent need for inclusive policies that address their real needs. By improving access to rights and services for migrants with disabilities, governments can promote equal treatment, reduce inequalities, and strengthen social cohesion.