Educational visit by Princeton University students to G2RED


On the 23rd of July 2024, Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality & Diversity hosted an interdisciplinary group of students from Princeton University and their teachers, Prof. Karen Emmerich and Dr. Michalis Sotiropoulos. Their visit was part of a summer class ‘Other Greeks, Another Greece’ focusing on Greek nation building, nationality, minorities and migration.

After presenting the history and background of the organisation as well as the basic fields we are working on, we provided information on access to Greek nationality through a migration lens. Key issues we discussed included Greek nationality conceptualisation, development of nationality laws, naturalisation processes and access to nationality for children born and/or raised in Greece from immigrant parents as well as statelessness in Greece.



For the second part of the visit, we hosted an open discussion were people affected by Greek nationality laws and policies shared their experiences. Singer and actress Idra Kanye together with Jerome Kaluta, singer, actor and TV presenter, both Afrogreeks born and raised in Greece, discussed about identity and belonging, racism and citizenship in Greece, allowing for a well-rounded and meaningful experience for the students.