BREAK FREE | A Colorful Action in the Center of Athens | March 26, 2017
Yesterday, Sunday the 26th of March, Generation 2.0 RED participated in a colorful action in the center of Athens.

Photo by @Production House
Thousands of people gave voice to the Break Free alliance and walked together, starting from Thissio and ending at the Zappeion, collectively claiming a peaceful, secure and dignified future for the planet. Under the percussion sounds and rock ‘n’ roll music, the Athenian citizens danced, played, painted and flooded the city center. All these sent a strong and peaceful message against climate change, injustice and inequality.

Photo by @Production House
At the end of the walk, besides the dancing and the music, Generation 2.0 RED was there to lead the little ones to becoming Citizens of the World with the floor board educational game “Diversity Volcano“!

Photo by @Production House
We want to thank those who participated in the action and made that day a beautiful one, collectively claiming a sustainable planet for all, with respect for human rights, equality and diversity.
You can find more information for this action here.
Find the Facebook event here.