The story of “A” highlights the importance of Youth Workers


Inclusion in the labor market and, subsequently, into society is not simple for young people coming from minority social groups.  Professionals working in this field, Youth Workers, need training and tools to build a holistic approach, which will lead to successful outcomes. 

Such an example is the case of A., who was very disappointed when he came to the Career Counseling service at Generation 2.0 RED, since he was seeking employment for quite a long time but without success, and he, additionally, felt that employers did not treat him with much respect.

Throughout the counseling sessions with the Employability Officer, his great willingness to find a job was pretty clear and, at the same time, the fact that he had the competences needed to work in the field. However, communication difficulties were, also, observed, not stemming, though, from lack of language skills.  The Employability Officer noticed that A., in environments which he  perceived as “alien”, was overwhelmed with stress, which made difficult his concentration and communication with others, resulting to getting rejected in job interviews After getting the proper information and giving his consent, the Employability Officer referred him for psychological assessment and support, in order for him to confront the difficulties concerning stress and communication. And, indeed, that happened. 


Through the SIDE Erasmus+ project, under which 6 in total NGOs from Greece, Italy and Spain work together,

we are going to develop a Training Guide for the holistic approach of labor market inclusion of youth. Stay tuned!