Talent can be translated into entrepreneurship

Karima, 21 years old, owns an accessories brand, named Karma, for people who wish to wear unique creations and feel different. She started very young to create accessories so she could wear original pieces. Due to an injury that kept her for a long period at home, she decided to develop those skills and turn a bit later this hobby into entrepreneurship, with the creation of tote bags with hand-embroidered designs, earrings, macrame bracelets for men and women, with the possibility of making them more personal.

As a next step, in parallel to her graphic design studies, she saw as an opportunity for self-development the Training in Women’s Social Entrepreneurship, organised for the first time by Generation 2.0 RED, an activity of the project “Equality Works”, which is being implemented under the Active citizens fund program.

“This training, for me personally, was one of the wisest steps I have ever done towards my goal. I thought that understanding the terminology related to entrepreneurship and economics would be difficult, but the way Giannis, my trainer, presented and clarified them, helped me a lot to comprehend them. Personally, I found very interesting the whole training, I learnt many things what will help me build a right and solid basis, so that gradually I will reach my goal, which is to found an enterprise concerning my hobby (jewelry creation), which I have been practicing for years”.

In December, the 2nd circle of Women’s Social Entrepreneurship is starting, and the applications are now open. The instructor Giannis Vikas, economist and researcher (PhD, MBA), in a series of 6 online weekly group sessions, commencing in December and ending in January,  is going to introduce the participants to the social entrepreneurship, the necessary business planning and relevant legislation. Moreover, significant concepts for a successful business launch, such as the business model, the marketing plan and the business plan, are going to be clarified.

If you are woman, of migrant or refugee background, and you wish to explore the possibility of creating a social enterprise, send an email at [email protected], with a description of your hobby/interest, your full name and whether you prefer the training to take place in English or Greek. If you are a member of a team with whom you create together, you can apply also for the rest of the team members.

The most complete and well-structured business idea of training will have the opportunity to create their own Business Plan.

«The project “Equality Works” is being implemented under the Active citizens fund program, by Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality & Diversity.
The Active citizens fund in Greece is supported through a € 12m grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as part of the EEA Grants 2014 – 2021. The program aims to develop the sustainability and capacity of the civil society sector in Greece, and to strengthen its role in promoting and safeguarding democratic procedures, active citizenship and human rights. The Fund Operator for the Active citizens fund in Greece is Bodossaki Foundation in consortium with SolidarityNow.»
For more information: www.activecitizensfund.gr