Countdown to the 18th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival!

Countdown to the official start of the 18th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival – Images of the 21st Century, which will be held from Friday 11 of March to Sunday March 20. Through an extensive program of documentary films and tributes from all around the world, the festival comes to inform, sensitize and mobilize the public around critical themes that require his critical view and active participation.

The Greek section of the festival actively supports Greek documentary showcasing productions in Greece and strengthens their presence in the international market. This year involved 72 Greek films that boldly depict a reality that is reshaped in the swirl of social ferment. The Greek documentaries, classified in sections of the Official Program  and the Greek Panorama, which also includes our “New Generation Got Game“.

The documentary was filmed during the 3rd Intercultural basketball tournament in the early summer of 2015. Youngsters of Greek or immigrant origin, who grew up and live in Athens, share their experiences of life in Greece and make you think differently about “the Other” and the Greek society.

12.03.2016 at 18:00 Room Frida Liappa- Warehouse D. Harbour
13.03.2016 at 15:00 Room Tonia Marketaki- Warehouse D. Harbour